User-Centric Health Data Using Self-sovereign Identities

  • Alexandre Siqueira UNIFESP
  • Arlindo Flávio da Conceição UNIFESP
  • Vladimir Rocha UFABC


This article presents the potential use of the Self-Sovereign Identities (SSI), combining with Distributed Ledger Technologies (DLT), to improve the privacy and control of health data. The paper presents the SSI technology, lists the prominent use cases of decentralized identities in the health area, and discusses an effective blockchain-based architecture. The main contributions of the article are: (i) mapping SSI general and abstract concepts, e.g., issuers and holders, to the health domain concepts, e.g., physicians and patients; (ii) presenting and instantiating an architecture to deal with the use cases mentioned, effectively organizing the data in a user-centric way, that uses well-known SSI and Blockchain technologies.


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SIQUEIRA, Alexandre; CONCEIÇÃO, Arlindo Flávio da; ROCHA, Vladimir. User-Centric Health Data Using Self-sovereign Identities. In: WORKSHOP EM BLOCKCHAIN: TEORIA, TECNOLOGIAS E APLICAÇÕES (WBLOCKCHAIN), 4. , 2021, Uberlândia. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2021 . p. 128-133. DOI: