Shaping the Video Conferences of Tomorrow With AI

  • Paulo Renato C. Mendes PUC-Rio
  • Eduardo S. Vieira PUC-Rio
  • Pedro Vinicius A. de Freitas PUC-Rio
  • Antonio José G. Busson PUC-Rio
  • Álan Lívio V. Guedes PUC-Rio
  • Carlos de Salles Soares Neto UFMA
  • Sérgio Colcher PUC-Rio


Before the COVID-19 pandemic, video was already one of the main media used on the internet. During the pandemic, video conferencing services became even more important, coming to be one of the main instruments to enable most social and professional human activities. Given the social distancing policies, people are spending more time using these online services for working, learning, and also for leisure activities. Videoconferencing software became the standard communication for home-office and remote learning. Nevertheless, there are still a lot of issues to be addressed on these platforms, and many different aspects to be reexamined or investigated, such as ethical and user-experience issues, just to name a few. We argue that many of the current state-of-the-art techniques of Artificial Intelligence (AI) may help on enhancing video collabo- ration services, particularly the methods based on Deep Learning such as face and sentiment analyses, and video classification. In this paper, we present a future vision about how AI techniques may contribute to this upcoming videoconferencing-age.


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MENDES, Paulo Renato C.; VIEIRA, Eduardo S. ; FREITAS, Pedro Vinicius A. de ; BUSSON, Antonio José G. ; GUEDES, Álan Lívio V. ; SOARES NETO, Carlos de Salles ; COLCHER, Sérgio. Shaping the Video Conferences of Tomorrow With AI. In: WORKSHOP “O FUTURO DA VIDEOCOLABORAÇÃO” - SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE SISTEMAS MULTIMÍDIA E WEB (WEBMEDIA), 26. , 2020, São Luís. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2020 . p. 165-168. ISSN 2596-1683. DOI: