Optimization and qualification of vaccination records against Covid-19 in public health: the case of "e-SUS Vacinação"
The objective of this manuscript is to describe the development of the mobile application “e-SUS Vaccination”, its features, and its applicability in facing the COVID-19 pandemic. The application was developed based on 4 guiding pillars: 1) Compatibility with personal smartphones and tablets; 2) Offline operation first; 3) Agile development, based on SCRUM, flutter framework, and validated design patterns; 4) To prioritize the reorganization of the registration process, focusing on agility in filling it out. It is expected to improve efficiency in vaccination and to reduce the time spent to carry out records in the information systems, impacting on the reduction of workloads of health professionals and on the qualification of the care provided to all Brazilian citizens linked to the Health Unic System.
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