Avaliação de Transparência de Portais de Ecossistemas de Software Utilizando Ferramentas de Análise de Experiência de Desenvolvedor

  • Thiago de Moura Parracho UNIRIO
  • Rodrigo Oliveira Zacarias UNIRIO / UFF
  • Rodrigo Pereira dos Santos UNIRIO


Context: Software Ecosystems (SECO) portals are web interfaces that allow a developer to access an ecosystem. They allow the consumption of information and communication by actors. Motivation: Improving the Developer Experience (DX) is an important concern for developers to be engaged with a SECO portal. Transparency helps in the understanding of the information made available and in the communication between the actors. Problem: If the DX is unsatisfactory, developers can abandon the portal and consequently the SECO. Objective: The objective of this work is to use methods and tools to capture multimodal and interaction information in SECO portals, aiming to promote the improvement of transparency aspects that can lead to the improvement of DX in such portals. Research Method: Studies were carried out with developers and methods were used for quantitative and qualitative data analysis. Results: Factors that influence DX in the software development process and factors related to transparency that influence DX were identified based on reports from the study participants. Contributions: The main contribution of this work is to support the engagement of developers in SECO portals and encourage the improvement of transparency about the information and processes made available.
Palavras-chave: Developer Experience, Software Ecosystem, Multimodal Capture, Transparency


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PARRACHO, Thiago de Moura; ZACARIAS, Rodrigo Oliveira; DOS SANTOS, Rodrigo Pereira. Avaliação de Transparência de Portais de Ecossistemas de Software Utilizando Ferramentas de Análise de Experiência de Desenvolvedor. In: CONCURSO DE TRABALHOS DE INICIAÇÃO CIENTÍFICA - SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE SISTEMAS MULTIMÍDIA E WEB (WEBMEDIA), 29. , 2023, Ribeirão Preto/SP. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2023 . p. 51-54. ISSN 2596-1683. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5753/webmedia_estendido.2023.235465.