OpenData Processor: An Automation tool for the process of extracting and publishing open data to CKAN

  • Allyson Vilela IFRN
  • André Almeida IFRN
  • Frederico Lopes UFRN


Public access to government information is an important aspect of modern society that allows an active participation of the population in monitoring government actions. Decree No. 8.777, signed on May 11, 2016, establishes the Open Data Policy of the Brazilian Federal Government. From this, the entities of the federal public administration, autarchic and foundational are obliged to make data available in open format. However, many of these institutions are failing to meet the commitments set out in the Decree. One possible explanation for this low number is the need for the technical team to have a good knowledge of their information systems and current legislation, allied to the difficulty of extracting the data, since in most institutions the whole process of data extraction, processing and publication of open data is done manually. In this sense, this work presents the OpenData Processor, an automation tool for the process of extracting, publishing and updating open data that brings agility in the publication and periodical updating, saving time and facilitating the management of open data portals.
Palavras-chave: open data, extraction tool, automated process, CKAN
VILELA, Allyson; ALMEIDA, André; LOPES, Frederico. OpenData Processor: An Automation tool for the process of extracting and publishing open data to CKAN. In: WORKSHOP DE FERRAMENTAS E APLICAÇÕES - SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE SISTEMAS MULTIMÍDIA E WEB (WEBMEDIA), 24. , 2018, Salvador. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2018 . p. 97-101. ISSN 2596-1683. DOI: