Agro 4.0: Uma Ferramenta Web para Gestão e Análise da Sustentabilidade em Agroecossistemas

  • Eugênio Fonseca UFMG
  • Evandro Caldeira UFMG
  • Leonardo Oliveira UFMG
  • Adriano C. M. Pereira UFMG
  • Pierre Santos Vilela FAEMG


In this work we present Agro 4.0 , a system that receives data such as soil quality, water quality, pesticides utilized, farming and agricultural activities -, carefully collected by a rural technician from one or more rural properties and evaluates those properties according to the aspects of an agroecosystem regarding sustainability. The collected data is used by the system to compute indicators used to generate a Sustainability Index for each rural property. The data and indicators also feed statistical models, through data mining techniques, to aid in the extraction of useful information about the relation between the collected data and the indicators obtained. With this information in hand, the rural proprietaries have relevant and quantitative information to aid them in making decisions and taking actions to increase their properties’s sustainability.
FONSECA, Eugênio; CALDEIRA, Evandro ; OLIVEIRA, Leonardo; PEREIRA, Adriano C. M. ; VILELA, Pierre Santos. Agro 4.0: Uma Ferramenta Web para Gestão e Análise da Sustentabilidade em Agroecossistemas. In: WORKSHOP DE FERRAMENTAS E APLICAÇÕES - SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE SISTEMAS MULTIMÍDIA E WEB (WEBMEDIA) , 2017, Gramado. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2017 . p. 184-188. ISSN 2596-1683.