Online tool to assist volunteer firefighters in Santa Catarina State

  • Igor Benedet IFSC
  • Daniel de Andrade Varela IFC
  • Rodrigo Ramos Nogueira IFC


With a commitment to protect and guarantee the safety of the residents of Joinville, 127 years ago a group of people created an institution focused on serving the population in a fast and efficient way. This was how the Volunteer Fire Brigade of Joinville was born, the first such institution in Brazil and the second national fire company. Having seen that it is an association composed of several institutions, as well as several volunteers, a way of managing them is necessary. This paper presents the steps of developing an application to assist the ABVESC firefighters with regard to their institutional organization, bringing greater accessibility and agility to their tasks and planning.
BENEDET, Igor; VARELA , Daniel de Andrade ; NOGUEIRA, Rodrigo Ramos. Online tool to assist volunteer firefighters in Santa Catarina State. In: WORKSHOP DE TRABALHOS DE INICIAÇÃO CIENTÍFICA - SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE SISTEMAS MULTIMÍDIA E WEB (WEBMEDIA), 1. , 2019, Florianópolis. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2019 . p. 63-66. ISSN 2596-1683. DOI: