Cognition Developing of Computer Higher Education Students Through Gamification in the Algorithm Teaching-Learning Process

  • Tiago do Carmo Nogueira
  • Eudes de Souza Campos
  • Deller James Ferreira


The scientific logical reasoning became an important skill in the students' cognitive development in algorithm teaching-learning processes, stimulating their reasoning and creativity. From this perspective, gamification has been adopted as a mediating tool in this process. Studies report that the inclusion of gamification in algorithm teaching-learning processes stimulates the students to develop new skills, making the knowledge more efficient. Therefore, this paper's purpose is to measure and understand the cognitive development and the experiences lived by students at the addition of gamification in algorithm teaching, evaluating the scientific logical knowledge acquired by them. Consequently, 44 computer higher education students were selected. They were divided into two groups: students that used the Gamification-Mediated Algorithm Teaching Method and those who participated in the traditional teaching method. To evaluate the cognitive development between these two groups, the Scientific Logical Reasoning Test was applied. The results showed that a significant number of students that used the Gamification-Mediated Algorithm Teaching Method reached the transitory intermediary and transitory scientific knowledge levels, with greater right answer rates. We also noticed that both genders gave more right answers using the gamification-mediated algorithm teaching method.

NOGUEIRA, Tiago do Carmo; CAMPOS, Eudes de Souza; FERREIRA, Deller James. Cognition Developing of Computer Higher Education Students Through Gamification in the Algorithm Teaching-Learning Process. In: WORKSHOP SOBRE EDUCAÇÃO EM COMPUTAÇÃO (WEI), 26. , 2018, Natal. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2018 . ISSN 2595-6175. DOI: