Inserting an HCI perspective in the teaching of Requirements Engineering: an experience report

  • Alex Alan Santos Federal University of Ceará
  • Maria Elanne Mendes Federal University of Ceará
  • Anna Beatriz Marques Federal University of Ceará


Requirements Engineering comprises activities that aim to produce and maintain the requirements of a system aligned to the users’ needs. In this process, empathy becomes relevant to understand users’ problems and expectations. This paper reports the use of techniques that can promote an HCI perspective at the Requirements Engineering process: personas and USARP. The USARP technique proposes conducting brainstorming sessions to discuss usability requirements and user interface aspects. We present an experience in Requirements Engineering teaching exploring two contexts: emergency remote teaching in the semester 2021/02 and resumption of presential teaching in 2022/01. We applied a questionnaire to assess whether the techniques promoted positive attitudes during students’ learning. The results indicate that the techniques promoted motivation, connection, development of critical thinking, and a good learning experience for students.


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SANTOS, Alex Alan; MENDES, Maria Elanne; MARQUES, Anna Beatriz. Inserting an HCI perspective in the teaching of Requirements Engineering: an experience report. In: WORKSHOP ON HCI EDUCATION (WEIHC), 13. , 2022, Diamantina/MG. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2022 . p. 13-18. DOI: