An analysis of ranking techniques for predicting values ​​assigned to players in the FIFA game


This work seeks to compare an application of two different machine learning algorithms. Precisely we take in consideration Public-C and a rule-based algorithm fuzzy, FURIA. For this, it uses two tools that help in the elaboration of predictive models, the KEEL software and an R programming language. The work uses accuracy as a measure of the quality of predictive models, in addition to presenting their confusion matrices. Showing that the model using FURIA presents a performance considered satisfactory.

Keywords: Fuzzy logic, Machine learning, Fuzzy computing


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BALBONI, Maurício D. C.; SANTOS, Helida; LUCCA, Giancarlo. An analysis of ranking techniques for predicting values ​​assigned to players in the FIFA game. In: WORKSHOP-SCHOOL ON THEORETICAL COMPUTER SCIENCE (WEIT), 6. , 2021, Online. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2021 . p. 141-147. DOI: