Integrating CartAgO Artifacts for the Simulation of the Social Production and Management of Urban Ecosystems: the case of San Jerónimo Vegetable Garden of Seville, Spain
The paper presents some new results obtained with the modeling of a multi-agent system for the simulation of the social production and management processes of an urban ecosystem, namely, the urban vegetable garden San Jerónimo (HSJ) of Seville, Spain. The modeling was obtained by the application of several tools related to the JaCaMo platform, as the MOISE+ model for the organization modeling, the CArtAgO and MSPP frameworks for the construction of normative and communication artifacts. The aim is to provide tools for the modeling of the interactions between organizational roles when performing periodic actions in the HSJ’s social system routines. Furthermore, we show an initial proposal for integration between JaCaMo tools in the context of HSJ.
Periodic routines, JaCaMo, Artifacts, multiagent systems, Social Systems
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F. C. P. Santos, G. Dimuro, T. F. Rodrigues, D. F. Adamatti, G. P. Dimuro, and A. C. R. Costa, “Modelando a organização social de um SMA para simulação dos processos de produção e gestão social de um ecossistema urbano: o caso da Horta San Jerónimo da cidade de Sevilla, Espanha,” in Anais do WESAAC 2012. Florianópolis: UFSC, 2012, pp. 93–104.
F. C. P. Santos, T. F. Rodrigues, G. Dimuro, D. F. Adamatti, G. P. Dimuro, A. C. R. Costa, and E. De Manuel Jerez, “Modeling role interactions in a social organization for the simulation of the social production and management of urban ecosystems: the case of San Jerónimo vegetable garden of Seville, Spain,” in 2012 (BWSS). Los Alamitos: IEEE, 2012, pp. 136–139.
I. Santos and A. C. R. Rocha, “Toward a framework for simulating agent-based models of public policy processes on the jason-cartago platform,” in Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Agent-based Modeling for Policy Engineering in 20th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI)- AMPLE 2012. Berlin: Springer, 2012, pp. 45–59.
T. F. Rodrigues, A. C. R. Costa, and G. P. Dimuro, “A communication infrastructure based on artifacts for the jacamo platform,” in Proceedings of EMAS 2013 - 1st International Workshop on Engineering Multi-Agent Systems at AAMAS 2013, M. Cossentino, A. E. F. Seghrouchni, and M. Winikoff, Eds. Saint Paul: IFAMAS, 2013, pp. 1–15.
Como Citar
SANTOS, Flávia; RODRIGUES, Henrique; RODRIGUES, Thiago; ADAMATTI, Diana F.; DIMURO, Graçaliz P.; DIMURO, Glenda; JEREZ, Esteban de Manuel.
Integrating CartAgO Artifacts for the Simulation of the Social Production and Management of Urban Ecosystems: the case of San Jerónimo Vegetable Garden of Seville, Spain. In: WORKSHOP-ESCOLA DE SISTEMAS DE AGENTES, SEUS AMBIENTES E APLICAÇÕES (WESAAC), 7. , 2013, São Paulo/SP.
Anais [...].
Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação,
p. 73-78.
ISSN 2326-5434.