Uma Proposta de Mapeamento entre i* Normativo e o Diagrama NorMAS-ML de Normas
Os sistemas multiagente normativos são utilizados para o desenvolvimento de sistemas complexos. Logo, várias linguagens de modelagem, dentre elas NorMAS-ML, foram definidas para dar suporte à fase de modelagem, porém poucos trabalhos têm abordado a fase de levantamento e análise de requisitos. Neste sentido, o framework i* normativo foi definido para possibilitar que analistas de requisitos possam modelar os stakeholders como atores e suas intenções como objetivos. Assim, esse artigo tem como objetivo a integração entre as fases de levantamento e análise de requisitos e a fase de modelagem, propondo um mapeamento entre i* normativo e NorMAS-ML. Além disso, um exemplo de modelagem foi realizado para ilustrar este mapeamento.Referências
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Alencar, F., Gianchetti, G. and Pastor, O. (2009). From i* requirements models to conceptual models of a Model Driven Development process. In: The Practice of Enterprise Modeling - Second IFIP WG 8.1 Working Conference, PoEM 2009, Proceedings, pp. 99-114.
Alencar, F.M.R., Pedroza, F., Castro, J.F.B. and Amorim, R.C.O. (2003) New Mechanisms for the Integration of Organizational Requirements and Object Oriented Modeling, VI WORKSHOP DE ENGENHARIA DE REQUISITOS, Piracicaba-SP , 2003.
Boella, G., van der Torre, L. and H. Verhagen (2006) Introduction to normative multiagent systems, Computational & Mathematical Organization Theory, vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 71–79.
Filho, C. G, Zisman, A. and Spanoudakis, G. (2003) Traceability Approach for i* and UML Models. In: Proceedings of 2nd International Workshop on Software Engineering for Large-Scale Multi-Agent Systems (SELMAS’03), Portland.
Franceto, S. (2005) Especificação e Implementação de uma Ferramenta para Elicitação de Requisitos de Software baseada na Teoria da Atividade. 2005. Disponível em: [link]. Acessado em 10 de outubro de 2017.
Freire, E. S. S. and Cortés, M. I. (2016) Integrando Requisitos Organizacionais à Modelagem de Sistemas Multiagente Normativos. In: 10th Workshop-School on Agents, Environments, and Applications (WESAAC), 2016, Alagoas.
Freire, E. S. S., Cortés, M. I., Gonçalves, E. J. T. and Lopes, Y. S. (2012) NorMAS-ML: A Modeling Language to Model Normative Multi-Agent Systems. In: 14th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS), 2012, Wroclaw (Poland).
Lucena, M., Castro, J., Silva, C., Alencar, F. and Santos, E. (2011) Stream: a strategy for transition between requirements models and architectural models. In Proceedings of the 2011 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, pages 699-704. ACM, 2011.
Melo, J., Sousa, A., Agra, C., Júnior, J., Castro, J. and Alencar, F. (2015) Formalization of Mapping Rules from iStar to Class Diagram in UML. In: 29th Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering (SBES), 2015, Belo Horizonte.
Richard, B. (2010) A deidealisation semantics for KAOS. In Proceedings of the 2010 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, pages 267-274. ACM, March 2010.
Siena, A., Maiden, N., Lockerbie, J., Karlsen, K., Perini, A. and Susi, A. (2008) Exploring the Effectiveness of Normative i* Modelling: Results from a Case Study on Food Chain Traceability. In: CAiSE '08 Proceedings of the 20th international conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering Pages 182 – 196.
Silva, V., Braga, C. and Figueiredo, K. (2010) A Modeling Language to Model Norms. In: Workshop on Coordination, Organization, Institutions and Norms in agent systems at International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (AAMAS10), Toronto, p. 25-32.
Sommerville, I. (2011) Engenharia de Software. 9 ed. São Paulo: Pearson Addison-Wesley, 2011.
Sun, Z., Wang, J., He, K., Xiang, S. and Yu, D. (2010) A Model Transformation Method in Service-Oriented Domain Modeling. In Proceedings of the 2010 21st Australian Software Engineering Conference, pages 107-116. IEEE Computer Society, 2010.
Yu. E. (2002) Social Modeling and i*. In: Faculty of Information, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada M5S 3G6, 2002.
Alencar, F., Gianchetti, G. and Pastor, O. (2009). From i* requirements models to conceptual models of a Model Driven Development process. In: The Practice of Enterprise Modeling - Second IFIP WG 8.1 Working Conference, PoEM 2009, Proceedings, pp. 99-114.
Alencar, F.M.R., Pedroza, F., Castro, J.F.B. and Amorim, R.C.O. (2003) New Mechanisms for the Integration of Organizational Requirements and Object Oriented Modeling, VI WORKSHOP DE ENGENHARIA DE REQUISITOS, Piracicaba-SP , 2003.
Boella, G., van der Torre, L. and H. Verhagen (2006) Introduction to normative multiagent systems, Computational & Mathematical Organization Theory, vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 71–79.
Filho, C. G, Zisman, A. and Spanoudakis, G. (2003) Traceability Approach for i* and UML Models. In: Proceedings of 2nd International Workshop on Software Engineering for Large-Scale Multi-Agent Systems (SELMAS’03), Portland.
Franceto, S. (2005) Especificação e Implementação de uma Ferramenta para Elicitação de Requisitos de Software baseada na Teoria da Atividade. 2005. Disponível em: [link]. Acessado em 10 de outubro de 2017.
Freire, E. S. S. and Cortés, M. I. (2016) Integrando Requisitos Organizacionais à Modelagem de Sistemas Multiagente Normativos. In: 10th Workshop-School on Agents, Environments, and Applications (WESAAC), 2016, Alagoas.
Freire, E. S. S., Cortés, M. I., Gonçalves, E. J. T. and Lopes, Y. S. (2012) NorMAS-ML: A Modeling Language to Model Normative Multi-Agent Systems. In: 14th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS), 2012, Wroclaw (Poland).
Lucena, M., Castro, J., Silva, C., Alencar, F. and Santos, E. (2011) Stream: a strategy for transition between requirements models and architectural models. In Proceedings of the 2011 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, pages 699-704. ACM, 2011.
Melo, J., Sousa, A., Agra, C., Júnior, J., Castro, J. and Alencar, F. (2015) Formalization of Mapping Rules from iStar to Class Diagram in UML. In: 29th Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering (SBES), 2015, Belo Horizonte.
Richard, B. (2010) A deidealisation semantics for KAOS. In Proceedings of the 2010 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, pages 267-274. ACM, March 2010.
Siena, A., Maiden, N., Lockerbie, J., Karlsen, K., Perini, A. and Susi, A. (2008) Exploring the Effectiveness of Normative i* Modelling: Results from a Case Study on Food Chain Traceability. In: CAiSE '08 Proceedings of the 20th international conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering Pages 182 – 196.
Silva, V., Braga, C. and Figueiredo, K. (2010) A Modeling Language to Model Norms. In: Workshop on Coordination, Organization, Institutions and Norms in agent systems at International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (AAMAS10), Toronto, p. 25-32.
Sommerville, I. (2011) Engenharia de Software. 9 ed. São Paulo: Pearson Addison-Wesley, 2011.
Sun, Z., Wang, J., He, K., Xiang, S. and Yu, D. (2010) A Model Transformation Method in Service-Oriented Domain Modeling. In Proceedings of the 2010 21st Australian Software Engineering Conference, pages 107-116. IEEE Computer Society, 2010.
Yu. E. (2002) Social Modeling and i*. In: Faculty of Information, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada M5S 3G6, 2002.
Como Citar
FREIRE, Emmanuel Sávio Silva; SOUZA, Thiago Gomes de.
Uma Proposta de Mapeamento entre i* Normativo e o Diagrama NorMAS-ML de Normas. In: WORKSHOP-ESCOLA DE SISTEMAS DE AGENTES, SEUS AMBIENTES E APLICAÇÕES (WESAAC), 12. , 2018, Fortaleza/CE.
Anais [...].
Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação,
p. 25-36.
ISSN 2326-5434.