Extending JaCaMo for organizational interoperability

  • Tomas M. Vitorello USP
  • Fabio T. Muramatsu USP
  • Anarosa A. F. Brandão USP


Traditionally organization-centered multiagent systems (OC-MAS) are strongly dependent on their own organizational infrastructure. This dependence is one of the main concerns when trying to achieve interoperability among them. In this paper, we investigate the possibility of addressing the issue by interpreting the organization as a set of norms imposed upon the agents. This work is based on the JaCaMo infrastructure, which already implements the Moise+ organization model through this approach. Our aim is to extend this platform to support other organizational models, effectively allowing agents to interoperate among organizations described according to different organization models.


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VITORELLO, Tomas M.; MURAMATSU, Fabio T.; BRANDÃO, Anarosa A. F.. Extending JaCaMo for organizational interoperability. In: WORKSHOP-ESCOLA DE SISTEMAS DE AGENTES, SEUS AMBIENTES E APLICAÇÕES (WESAAC), 8. , 2014, Porto Alegre/RS. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2014 . p. 143-148. ISSN 2326-5434.