Uma Comparação entre os Sistemas de Detecção de Ameaças Distribuídas de Rede Baseado no Processamento de Dados em Fluxo e em Lotes

  • Fabio Cesar Schuartz UTFPR
  • Anelise Munaretto Federal University of Technology - Parana (UTFPR)
  • Mauro Fonseca UTFPR


With the advancement of technology, allowing a greater massification of devices connected to the Internet of Things, there is a huge increase in the communication that circulates through the network, resulting in a growing number of vulnerability exploitations detected every year. Thus, faster and more accurate systems are needed to efficiently detect distributed denial of service attacks and port scans. This paper proposes a system for on-line detection of distributed network threats using data stream processing. The results obtained by the proposed system are compared with the results obtained by a system using batch processing, both operating on the same database, widely known by the scientific community. The proposed system is evaluated through two metrics: accuracy and number of false-positive and false-negative. The results show that using data stream processing improved detection accuracy by up to 17,50%, reducing the number of false-positives and false-negatives by up to 66,61%.

Palavras-chave: Internet das Coisas, Segurança, DDoS, processamento em fluxos, NDIS, aprendizagem de máquina


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SCHUARTZ, Fabio Cesar; MUNARETTO, Anelise ; FONSECA, Mauro . Uma Comparação entre os Sistemas de Detecção de Ameaças Distribuídas de Rede Baseado no Processamento de Dados em Fluxo e em Lotes. In: WORKSHOP DE GERÊNCIA E OPERAÇÃO DE REDES E SERVIÇOS (WGRS), 24. , 2019, Gramado. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2019 . p. 29-42. ISSN 2595-2722. DOI: