Propuesta de un Juego Serio para Reducir los Estereotipos en Carreras STEM
La poca participación de mujeres en carreras STEM tiene como uno de sus motivos principales a los estereotipos genio-nerd, los cuales aluden a que los estudiantes y profesionales de estos rubros únicamente pueden ser personas con inteligencia nata y sin habilidades sociales. El objetivo principal de la presente investigación es proponer un juego serio que ayude a reducir estos estereotipos en las carreras STEM. Se concluyó que el framework MDA es el más adecuado para la propuesta. Unity es el motor de desarrollo indicado dada su escalabilidad y carácter gratuito. A parte de los estereotipos, la usabilidad y engagement serán analizados mediante un diseño cuasi experimental. Se espera que la futura implementación de la presente propuesta contribuya a mejorar la participación de mujeres en carreras STEM, al reducir los estereotipos nerd y genio asociados a esta área.Referências
Almeida, F., & Simoes, J. (2019). The role of serious games, gamification and industry 4.0 tools in the education 4.0 paradigm. Contemporary Educational Technology, 10(2), 120–136.
Avolio, B., Vilchez, C., & Chávez, J. (2018). Factores que Influyen en el Ingreso, Participación y Desarrollo de las Mujeres en Carreras Vinculadas a la Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación en el Perú. Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. CENTRUM.
Azzolina, C. (2022, 28 de julio). La brecha de género en el mundo digital. El Peruano. [link].
Benhadj, Y., El Messaoudi, M., & Nfissi, A. (2019). Artificial intelligence in education: Integrating serious gaming into the language class classdojo technology for classroom behavioral management. IAES International Journal of Artificial Intelligence, 8(4), 382.
Calvo-Morata, A., Rotaru, D. C., Alonso-Fernández, C., Freire-Morán, M., Martínez-Ortiz, I., & Fernández-Manjón, B. (2018). Validation of a cyberbullying serious game using game analytics. IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, 13(1), 186-197.
Denner, J., Werner, L., & Ortiz, E. (2012). Computer games created by middle school girls: Can they be used to measure understanding of computer science concepts? Computers & Education, 58(1), pp. 240–249.
Ferro, L. S., Sapio, F., Terracina, A., Temperini, M., & Mecella, M. (2021). Gea2: A serious game for technology-enhanced learning in STEM. IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, 14(6), pp. 723–739.
Foro Mujeres Poderosas 2022 | ¿Qué tanto ha avanzado la participación de la mujer en el campo STEM? (2022, 28 de setiembre). Forbes Perú. [link].
Fraga-Varela, F., Vila-Couñago, E. & Rodríguez-Groba, A. (2021). Serious Games and Mathematical Fluency: A Study from the Gender Perspective in Primary Education. Sustainability 13, 6586.
García-Holgado, A., Díaz, A. C., & García-Peñalvo, F. J. (2019, October). Engaging women into STEM in Latin America: W-STEM project. In Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Technological Ecosystems for Enhancing Multiculturality (pp. 232-239).
Hoger, M. D. V., Amador, B. O., Turato, P. A., da Silva Santos, L. M., Berardi, R. C. G., & Bim, S. A. (2022, July). Desconstruindo Estereótipos em uma Oficina de Criptografia para Docentes da Educação Básica. In Anais do XVI Women in Information Technology, 191-196. SBC.
Husniah, L., Fannani, F., Kholimi, A. S., & Kristanto, A. E. (2019). Game Development to Introduce Indonesian Traditional Weapons using MDA Framework. KINETIK, 4(1), 27-36.
Islam, M. N., Hasan, U., Islam, F., Anuva, S. T., Zaki, T., & Islam, A. K. (2022). IoT-Based Serious Gaming Platform for Improving Cognitive Skills of Children with Special Needs. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 60(6), 1588–1611.
Kritz, J. S. (2020). An ontology of board games based on the MDA framework (Doctoral dissertation, PhD thesis, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro).
Más mujeres en ciencia, tecnología, ingeniería y matemáticas mejoraría el desarrollo económico de la región. (2022, 21 de abril). [link].
Medeiros, A., Ferreira, I. B., Fonseca, L., & Rolim, C. (2022). Percepções sobre a tecnologia da informação por alunas de ensino médio: um estudo sobre gênero e escolhas profissionais. In Anais do XVI Women in Information Technology, 122-132. SBC.
Muliyati, D., Permana, H., & Amaliyah, A. N. (2021). Designing an Android-based educational game for high school physics. THE 4TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MATHEMATICS AND SCIENCE EDUCATION (ICoMSE) 2020: Innovative Research in Science and Mathematics Education in The Disruptive Era.
Naul, E., & Liu, M. (2020). Why Story Matters: A Review of Narrative in Serious Games. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 58(3), 687–707.
Plowman, L., McPake, J., & Stephen, C. (2008). Just picking it up? Young children learning with technology at home. Cambridge Journal of Education, 38(3), 303–319. doi:10.1080/0305764080228756
Raffety, C., Prawat, T., Richter, J., Hamilton, R. F., Schelvan, M., Jones, P., & Holian, A. (2016). Developing Serious Games to Improve Learning and Increase Interest in STEM Careers for Middle School Students: The Mice of Riddle Place®. In International Conference on Immersive Learning (pp. 132-143). Springer International Publishing.
Rivera, C. J. (2019). Using ClassDojo as a Mechanism to Engage and Foster Collaboration in University Classrooms. College Teaching, 67(3), 154-159.. 10.1080/87567555.2018.1505710.
Sáiz Manzanares, M. C., Rodríguez Arribas, S., Pardo Aguilar, C., & Queiruga-Dios, M. A. (2020). Effectiveness of self-regulation and serious games for learning STEM knowledge in Primary Education. Psicothema, 32(4), 516–524.
Salinas, P. & Cardenas, M. (2009). Métodos de investigación social. Quipus, CIESPAL. Recuperado de
Schez-Sobrino, S., Vallejo, D., Glez-Morcillo, C., Redondo, M. Á., & Castro-Schez, J. J. (2020). RoboTIC: A serious game based on augmented reality for learning programming. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 79(45), 34079-34099.
Starr, C. R. (2018). “I’m Not a Science Nerd!”: STEM Stereotypes, Identity, and Motivation Among Undergraduate Women. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 42(4), 489–503.
Steinmaurer, A., Pirker, J., & Gütl, C. (2019). sCool – Game-Based Learning in Computer Science Class: A Case Study in Secondary Education. International Journal of Engineering Pedagogy (iJEP), 9(2), pp. 35–50.
Torres Manrique, D. S., Pérez Portocarrero, A. J., Carrasco García, F. D., Navarro Véliz, A. N., Obeso Manrique, J. A., Canes Acosta, J. M., ... & Miñan Sánchez, L. F. (2021). Encuesta Nacional de Estudiantes de Educación Superior Universitaria 2019: principales resultados.
Yang, D. J., Lu, M. Y., Chen, C. W., Liu, P. C., & Hou, I. C. (2022). Development of a Therapeutic Video Game With the MDA Framework to Decrease Anxiety in Preschool-Aged Children With Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia: Mixed Methods Approach. JMIR Serious Games, 10(3), e37079.
Avolio, B., Vilchez, C., & Chávez, J. (2018). Factores que Influyen en el Ingreso, Participación y Desarrollo de las Mujeres en Carreras Vinculadas a la Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación en el Perú. Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. CENTRUM.
Azzolina, C. (2022, 28 de julio). La brecha de género en el mundo digital. El Peruano. [link].
Benhadj, Y., El Messaoudi, M., & Nfissi, A. (2019). Artificial intelligence in education: Integrating serious gaming into the language class classdojo technology for classroom behavioral management. IAES International Journal of Artificial Intelligence, 8(4), 382.
Calvo-Morata, A., Rotaru, D. C., Alonso-Fernández, C., Freire-Morán, M., Martínez-Ortiz, I., & Fernández-Manjón, B. (2018). Validation of a cyberbullying serious game using game analytics. IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, 13(1), 186-197.
Denner, J., Werner, L., & Ortiz, E. (2012). Computer games created by middle school girls: Can they be used to measure understanding of computer science concepts? Computers & Education, 58(1), pp. 240–249.
Ferro, L. S., Sapio, F., Terracina, A., Temperini, M., & Mecella, M. (2021). Gea2: A serious game for technology-enhanced learning in STEM. IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, 14(6), pp. 723–739.
Foro Mujeres Poderosas 2022 | ¿Qué tanto ha avanzado la participación de la mujer en el campo STEM? (2022, 28 de setiembre). Forbes Perú. [link].
Fraga-Varela, F., Vila-Couñago, E. & Rodríguez-Groba, A. (2021). Serious Games and Mathematical Fluency: A Study from the Gender Perspective in Primary Education. Sustainability 13, 6586.
García-Holgado, A., Díaz, A. C., & García-Peñalvo, F. J. (2019, October). Engaging women into STEM in Latin America: W-STEM project. In Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Technological Ecosystems for Enhancing Multiculturality (pp. 232-239).
Hoger, M. D. V., Amador, B. O., Turato, P. A., da Silva Santos, L. M., Berardi, R. C. G., & Bim, S. A. (2022, July). Desconstruindo Estereótipos em uma Oficina de Criptografia para Docentes da Educação Básica. In Anais do XVI Women in Information Technology, 191-196. SBC.
Husniah, L., Fannani, F., Kholimi, A. S., & Kristanto, A. E. (2019). Game Development to Introduce Indonesian Traditional Weapons using MDA Framework. KINETIK, 4(1), 27-36.
Islam, M. N., Hasan, U., Islam, F., Anuva, S. T., Zaki, T., & Islam, A. K. (2022). IoT-Based Serious Gaming Platform for Improving Cognitive Skills of Children with Special Needs. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 60(6), 1588–1611.
Kritz, J. S. (2020). An ontology of board games based on the MDA framework (Doctoral dissertation, PhD thesis, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro).
Más mujeres en ciencia, tecnología, ingeniería y matemáticas mejoraría el desarrollo económico de la región. (2022, 21 de abril). [link].
Medeiros, A., Ferreira, I. B., Fonseca, L., & Rolim, C. (2022). Percepções sobre a tecnologia da informação por alunas de ensino médio: um estudo sobre gênero e escolhas profissionais. In Anais do XVI Women in Information Technology, 122-132. SBC.
Muliyati, D., Permana, H., & Amaliyah, A. N. (2021). Designing an Android-based educational game for high school physics. THE 4TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MATHEMATICS AND SCIENCE EDUCATION (ICoMSE) 2020: Innovative Research in Science and Mathematics Education in The Disruptive Era.
Naul, E., & Liu, M. (2020). Why Story Matters: A Review of Narrative in Serious Games. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 58(3), 687–707.
Plowman, L., McPake, J., & Stephen, C. (2008). Just picking it up? Young children learning with technology at home. Cambridge Journal of Education, 38(3), 303–319. doi:10.1080/0305764080228756
Raffety, C., Prawat, T., Richter, J., Hamilton, R. F., Schelvan, M., Jones, P., & Holian, A. (2016). Developing Serious Games to Improve Learning and Increase Interest in STEM Careers for Middle School Students: The Mice of Riddle Place®. In International Conference on Immersive Learning (pp. 132-143). Springer International Publishing.
Rivera, C. J. (2019). Using ClassDojo as a Mechanism to Engage and Foster Collaboration in University Classrooms. College Teaching, 67(3), 154-159.. 10.1080/87567555.2018.1505710.
Sáiz Manzanares, M. C., Rodríguez Arribas, S., Pardo Aguilar, C., & Queiruga-Dios, M. A. (2020). Effectiveness of self-regulation and serious games for learning STEM knowledge in Primary Education. Psicothema, 32(4), 516–524.
Salinas, P. & Cardenas, M. (2009). Métodos de investigación social. Quipus, CIESPAL. Recuperado de
Schez-Sobrino, S., Vallejo, D., Glez-Morcillo, C., Redondo, M. Á., & Castro-Schez, J. J. (2020). RoboTIC: A serious game based on augmented reality for learning programming. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 79(45), 34079-34099.
Starr, C. R. (2018). “I’m Not a Science Nerd!”: STEM Stereotypes, Identity, and Motivation Among Undergraduate Women. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 42(4), 489–503.
Steinmaurer, A., Pirker, J., & Gütl, C. (2019). sCool – Game-Based Learning in Computer Science Class: A Case Study in Secondary Education. International Journal of Engineering Pedagogy (iJEP), 9(2), pp. 35–50.
Torres Manrique, D. S., Pérez Portocarrero, A. J., Carrasco García, F. D., Navarro Véliz, A. N., Obeso Manrique, J. A., Canes Acosta, J. M., ... & Miñan Sánchez, L. F. (2021). Encuesta Nacional de Estudiantes de Educación Superior Universitaria 2019: principales resultados.
Yang, D. J., Lu, M. Y., Chen, C. W., Liu, P. C., & Hou, I. C. (2022). Development of a Therapeutic Video Game With the MDA Framework to Decrease Anxiety in Preschool-Aged Children With Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia: Mixed Methods Approach. JMIR Serious Games, 10(3), e37079.
Como Citar
ORTEGA-ARRIETA, Alessandra M.; DÁVILA, Guillermo A..
Propuesta de un Juego Serio para Reducir los Estereotipos en Carreras STEM. In: WOMEN IN INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (WIT), 17. , 2023, João Pessoa/PB.
Anais [...].
Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação,
p. 282-293.
ISSN 2763-8626.