OSDFramework: a Open-and-Secure data Framework to enable interoperable applications in IoT ecosystems

  • Rodrigo Elias Francisco UFU / IF Goiano
  • Flavio de Oliveira Silva UFU


There is in the field of IoT the interest in innovating in order to allow the appearance of several applications with the great mass of data generated. However, there are difficulties regarding interoperability, security and privacy involving data, platforms and communication. Therefore, this article proposes OSDFramework, which implements the Open-and-Secure Data concept with a repository for semantically interoperable secure data sharing. The architecture for the framework is described and depends on the solution of challenges involving data transformations of different models for interoperability, semantic and privacy, and designing security protocols for sending and receiving data in the most possible way concerned to user.

Palavras-chave: Internet of Things, Security, Network Protocols


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FRANCISCO, Rodrigo Elias; SILVA, Flavio de Oliveira. OSDFramework: a Open-and-Secure data Framework to enable interoperable applications in IoT ecosystems. In: WORKSHOP DE PESQUISA EXPERIMENTAL DA INTERNET DO FUTURO (WPEIF), 10. , 2019, Gramado. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2019 . p. 1-6. ISSN 2595-2692. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5753/wpeif.2019.7691.