Design, Implementation and Evaluation of IPv4/IPv6 Longest Prefix Match support in P4 Dataplanes

  • Fabricio E. Rodriguez Cesen
  • P Gyanesh Kumar Patra
  • Christian Esteve Rothenberg
  • Gergely Pongracz


New trends in dataplane programmability inside Software Defined Networking (SDN) paradigm are in an effort to bring multi-platform support with a high-level definition of the dataplane pipeline functions. The MultiArchitecture Compiler System for Abstract Dataplanes (MACSAD) can integrate the Protocol-Independent Packet Processors (P4) domain-specific language and the OpenDataPlane Project (ODP) APIs, to define a programmable dataplane across multiple targets in a unified compiler system. In this paper, we present and evaluate the IPv4/IPv6 Longest Prefix Match (LPM) support in MACSAD. We develop a new ODP Helper library implementing the IPv6 lookup mechanism based on the current IPv4 solution and evaluate its performance and scalability for diverse workloads and target platform configurations.

CESEN, Fabricio E. Rodriguez; PATRA, P Gyanesh Kumar; ROTHENBERG, Christian Esteve; PONGRACZ, Gergely. Design, Implementation and Evaluation of IPv4/IPv6 Longest Prefix Match support in P4 Dataplanes. In: WORKSHOP EM DESEMPENHO DE SISTEMAS COMPUTACIONAIS E DE COMUNICAÇÃO (WPERFORMANCE), 17. , 2018, Natal. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2018 . ISSN 2595-6167. DOI: