Otimização de Recursos Rádio para Redes de Acesso Sem Fio baseadas em Rádio sobre Fibra
Este artigo introduz um modelo baseado em programação linear inteira (PLI) para a minimização do uso de recursos rádio em redes sem fio baseadas em Rádio Sobre Fibra (RoF). A arquitetura proposta organiza as células em uma estrutura multicamadas, cada camada com um raio diferente de cobertura. O algoritmo de otimização realiza divisão de células de forma dinâmica para melhorar a capacidade em áreas congestionadas e a fusão de células em áreas com pouca demanda. A demanda computacional do modelo proposto aumenta proporcionalmente ao número de camadas de antenas consideradas na infraestrutura. Os resultados indicam que duas camadas de RAUs fornecem a melhor relação entre custo computacional e qualidade de resultados.Referências
FICO XPress Optimization Suite 7 - [link].
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Amanna, A. (2009). Green Communications-Annotated Literature Review and Research Vision. Technical report, Virginia Tech.
Djukic, P., Yanikomeroglu, H., and Zhang, J. (2009). User-centric RRM and Optimizable Protocol Design for beyond-4G RANs. In Proceedings of Wireless World Research Forum Meeting 22 (WWRF22), pages 1 – 5.
Feng, N., Mau, S.-C., and Mandayam, N. (2005). Joint Network-Centric and User-Centric Radio Resource Management in a Multicell System. IEEE Transactions on Communications, 53(7):1114–1118.
Gomes, P. H., da Fonseca, N. L. S., and Branquinho, O. C. (2009). Analysis of performance degradation in Radio-over-Fiber systems based on IEEE 802.16 protocol. In 2009 IEEE Latin-American Conference on Communications, pages 1–6. IEEE.
Hills, A. and Friday, B. (2004). Radio resource management in wireless LANs. IEEE Communications Magazine, 42(12):S9–14.
Hurley, S. (2002). Planning effective cellular mobile radio networks. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 51(2):243–253.
Le Boudec, J.-Y. and Vojnovic, M. (2005). Perfect simulation and stationarity of a class of mobility models. In Proceedings of the 24th Annual Joint Conference of the IEEE Computer and Communications Societies, pages 2743–2754. IEEE.
Sarkar, S., Mukherjee, B., and Dixit, S. (2006a). Optimum Placement of Multiple Optical Network Units (ONUs) in Optical-Wireless Hybrid Access Networks. In Proceedings of the Optical Fiber Communication Conference and Exposition and The National Fiber Optic Engineers Conference, pages 1–3.
Sarkar, S., Mukherjee, B., and Dixit, S. (2006b). Towards Global Optimization of Multiple ONU Placement in Hybrid Optical-Wireless Broadband Access Networks. In Proceedings of the Joint International Conference on Optical Internet and Next Generation Network, pages 65–67. IEEE.
Wright, M. (1998). Optimization methods for base station placement in wireless applications. In Proceedings of the 48th IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, volume 1, pages 387–391. IEEE.
Al-Raweshidy, H. and Komaki, S. (2002). Radio Over Fiber Technologies for Mobile Communications Networks. Artech House.
Amanna, A. (2009). Green Communications-Annotated Literature Review and Research Vision. Technical report, Virginia Tech.
Djukic, P., Yanikomeroglu, H., and Zhang, J. (2009). User-centric RRM and Optimizable Protocol Design for beyond-4G RANs. In Proceedings of Wireless World Research Forum Meeting 22 (WWRF22), pages 1 – 5.
Feng, N., Mau, S.-C., and Mandayam, N. (2005). Joint Network-Centric and User-Centric Radio Resource Management in a Multicell System. IEEE Transactions on Communications, 53(7):1114–1118.
Gomes, P. H., da Fonseca, N. L. S., and Branquinho, O. C. (2009). Analysis of performance degradation in Radio-over-Fiber systems based on IEEE 802.16 protocol. In 2009 IEEE Latin-American Conference on Communications, pages 1–6. IEEE.
Hills, A. and Friday, B. (2004). Radio resource management in wireless LANs. IEEE Communications Magazine, 42(12):S9–14.
Hurley, S. (2002). Planning effective cellular mobile radio networks. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 51(2):243–253.
Le Boudec, J.-Y. and Vojnovic, M. (2005). Perfect simulation and stationarity of a class of mobility models. In Proceedings of the 24th Annual Joint Conference of the IEEE Computer and Communications Societies, pages 2743–2754. IEEE.
Sarkar, S., Mukherjee, B., and Dixit, S. (2006a). Optimum Placement of Multiple Optical Network Units (ONUs) in Optical-Wireless Hybrid Access Networks. In Proceedings of the Optical Fiber Communication Conference and Exposition and The National Fiber Optic Engineers Conference, pages 1–3.
Sarkar, S., Mukherjee, B., and Dixit, S. (2006b). Towards Global Optimization of Multiple ONU Placement in Hybrid Optical-Wireless Broadband Access Networks. In Proceedings of the Joint International Conference on Optical Internet and Next Generation Network, pages 65–67. IEEE.
Wright, M. (1998). Optimization methods for base station placement in wireless applications. In Proceedings of the 48th IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, volume 1, pages 387–391. IEEE.
Como Citar
GOMES, Pedro Henrique; FONSECA, Nelson L. S. da; BRANQUINHO, Omar C..
Otimização de Recursos Rádio para Redes de Acesso Sem Fio baseadas em Rádio sobre Fibra. In: WORKSHOP EM DESEMPENHO DE SISTEMAS COMPUTACIONAIS E DE COMUNICAÇÃO (WPERFORMANCE), 9. , 2010, Belo Horizonte/MG.
Anais [...].
Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação,
p. 1804-1817.
ISSN 2595-6167.