Impacts of Color Space Transformations on Dysplastic Nuclei Segmentation Using CNN
Oral epithelial dysplasia is a common precancerous lesion type that can be graded as mild, moderate and severe. Although not all oral epithelial dysplasia become cancer over time, this premalignant condition has a significant rate of progressing to cancer and the early treatment has been shown to be considerably more successful. The diagnosis and distinctions between mild, moderate, and severe grades are made by pathologists through a complex and time-consuming process where some cytological features, including nuclear shape, are analysed. The use of computer-aided diagnosis can be applied as a tool to aid and enhance the pathologist decisions. Recently, deep learning based methods are earning more and more attention and have been successfully applied to nuclei segmentation problems in several scenarios. In this paper, we evaluated the impact of different color spaces transformations for automated nuclei segmentation on histological images of oral dysplastic tissues using fully convolutional neural networks (CNN). The CNN were trained using different color spaces from a dataset of tongue images from mice diagnosed with oral epithelial dysplasia. The CIE L*a*b* color space transformation achieved the best averaged accuracy over all analyzed color space configurations (88.2%). The results show that the chrominance information, or the color values, does not play the most significant role for nuclei segmentation purpose on a mice tongue histopathological images dataset.
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