Analysis of color feature extraction techniques for Fish Species Identification

  • Uéliton Freitas UFMS
  • Marcio Pache IFMS
  • Wesley Gonçalves UFMS
  • Edson Matsubara UFMS
  • José Sabino Universidade Anhaguera/Uniderp
  • Diego Sant'Ana IFMG
  • Hemerson Pistori Universidade Católica Dom Bosco


Color recognition is an important step for computer vision to be able to recognize objects in the most different environmental conditions. Classifying objects by color using computer vision is a good alternative for different color conditions such as the aquarium. In which it is possible to use resources of a smartphone with real-time image classification applications. This paper presents some experimental results regarding the use of five different feature extraction techniques to the problem of fish species identification. The feature extractors tested are the Bag of Visual Words (BoVW), the Bag of Colors (BoC), the Bag of Features and Colors (BoFC), the Bag of Colored Words (BoCW), and the histograms HSV and RGB color spaces. The experiments were performed using a dataset, which is also a contribution of this work, containing 1120 images from fishes of 28 different species. The feature extractors were tested under three different supervised learning setups based on Decision Trees, K-Nearest Neighbors, and Support Vector Machine. From the attribute extraction techniques described, the best performance was BoC using the Support Vector Machines as a classifier with an FMeasure of 0.90 and AUC of 0.983348 with a dictionary size of 2048.

Palavras-chave: Aquarium Dataset, Fish Image Classification, Machine Learning, Point of Interest, Color Descriptor


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FREITAS, Uéliton; PACHE, Marcio; GONÇALVES, Wesley; MATSUBARA, Edson; SABINO, José; SANT'ANA, Diego; PISTORI, Hemerson. Analysis of color feature extraction techniques for Fish Species Identification. In: WORKSHOP DE VISÃO COMPUTACIONAL (WVC), 16. , 2020, Evento Online. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2020 . p. 140-145. DOI:

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