Self-portrait to ID Document face matching: CNN-Based face verification in cross-domain scenario

  • Filipe Costa CPQD
  • Marcos Vinícius L. Melo CPQD
  • Igor Gadelha CPQD
  • Guilherme Fôlego CPQD
  • Larissa Gambaro CPFL
  • André Rodrigues CPFL


Face verification approaches determine whether two given faces are from the same person. Recently, a new demand for face verification application which has become popular in commercial applications is the self-portrait and ID face matching, in which we compare the faces of a selfie shot by a subject and the face in a picture of her identification document. In this work, we proposed a novel approach for face verification in a cross-domain scenario, assuming we have only two images for each subject in the dataset. The method is based on siamese architecture with triplet-loss function. Experiments show the proposed model reaches good effectiveness for cross-domain face verification with low error rates, in comparison to other works of the literature.

Palavras-chave: Selfie-document, Face Verification, Triplet-loss, Siamese networks


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COSTA, Filipe; MELO, Marcos Vinícius L.; GADELHA, Igor; FÔLEGO, Guilherme; GAMBARO, Larissa; RODRIGUES, André. Self-portrait to ID Document face matching: CNN-Based face verification in cross-domain scenario. In: WORKSHOP DE VISÃO COMPUTACIONAL (WVC), 17. , 2021, Online. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2021 . p. 31-36. DOI:

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