Measuring the Root Length of Peanuts Grown in Rhizotrons Using Computer Vision

  • Leonardo Michalski Stefanello UCDB
  • Leonardo Paillo da Silva UCDB
  • Luís Henrique Soares Dayrell UCDB
  • Jayme Ferrari Neto UCDB
  • Hemerson Pistori UCDB / UFMS
  • Higor Henrique Picoli Nucci UFMS


Peanut is one of the most grown leguminous crops in the world, but it can suffer during water deficit periods. In this paper, a new method to help monitoring root growth for laboratory experiments with this plant is proposed. By using a new combination of smoothing, thresholding, morphological filtering and skeletonization, our method has achieved a correlation of 0.968 with the Tennant's standard approach.


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STEFANELLO, Leonardo Michalski; SILVA, Leonardo Paillo da; DAYRELL, Luís Henrique Soares; FERRARI NETO, Jayme; PISTORI, Hemerson; NUCCI, Higor Henrique Picoli. Measuring the Root Length of Peanuts Grown in Rhizotrons Using Computer Vision. In: WORKSHOP DE VISÃO COMPUTACIONAL (WVC), 17. , 2021, Online. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2021 . p. 124-130. DOI:

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