Computational Methodology for Iris Segmentation and Detection in Images from the Eyes Region Using Convolutional Neural Networks

  • Fredson Costa Rodrigues UFMA
  • Anselmo C. de Paiva UFMA
  • João Dalysson S. de Almeida UFMA
  • Geraldo Braz Júnior UFMA
  • Aristófanes Corrêa UFMA
  • André Castelo Branco Soares UFPI


Eye tracking is an application of computer vision responsible for detecting the iris and pupil in the eye region. The usefulness of this tracking contributes to research that assesses cognitive aspects through pupillary reactions identified in these detected regions. Another application in this task is iris recognition in digital biometrics. This study aims to carry out the verification and detection of the iris in images of the eye region occluded by eyelashes, eyelids and specular reflexes, through a deep neural network called At-Unet in this article. In order to assist in eye tracking this method achieves 95.32 % of data coefficient when segmenting the iris of the eyes, indicating the efficiency of this methodology.

Palavras-chave: Attention Module, At-Unet, Deep Neural Networks, íris segmentation, eye tracking


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RODRIGUES, Fredson Costa; PAIVA, Anselmo C. de; ALMEIDA, João Dalysson S. de; BRAZ JÚNIOR, Geraldo; CORRÊA, Aristófanes; SOARES, André Castelo Branco. Computational Methodology for Iris Segmentation and Detection in Images from the Eyes Region Using Convolutional Neural Networks. In: WORKSHOP DE VISÃO COMPUTACIONAL (WVC), 17. , 2021, Online. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2021 . p. 177-183. DOI:

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