Is the identity crisis of Information Systems courses perceived "beyond walls" of universities in southern Brazil?


  • Rita Cristina Galarraga Berardi Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná (UTFPR)- Câmpus Curitiba
  • Silvia Amelia Bim Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná (UTFPR)- Câmpus Curitiba



Identity crisis, Information Systems, Beyond-walls, Southern Brazil


One of the concerns that surround both research and academic formation at Information Systems (IS) courses in Brazil is the identity that IS courses seek to achieve. It is well known that there is a crisis inherent in this identity due to the foundations of the area which were built by two divergent communities: on the one hand Computer Science - with its algorithmic objectivity and technological solutions - on the other hand, Business School, with its subjectivity and systemic reflection on the contexts in which the technological solutions are inserted. The objective of this work is to identify if this crisis is perceived by the students before entering the course or only after, besides verifying how this perception is constructed. The methodological procedures included quantitative and qualitative methods for statistical and empirical descriptive analysis of data collected from students of IS courses, as well as documentary study on the sites of IS courses. As a result, through 133 students from 4 courses in the southern region of Brazil, it was possible to detect that the crisis can occur "beyond walls", since a good portion of students creates a false expectation about the course, waiting for its approach exclusively in programming.


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How to Cite

Berardi, R. C. G., & Bim, S. A. (2017). Is the identity crisis of Information Systems courses perceived "beyond walls" of universities in southern Brazil?. ISys - Brazilian Journal of Information Systems, 10(4), 24–44.



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