Context Elements Taxonomy for Intelligent Transportation Systems




Software engineering, Intelligent Transportation Systems, Context awareness, Taxonomy, Knowledge management


Design and development of context-aware Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) are not trivial due to the large number of possible context elements that may be relevant to the application and the lack of structured information to guide system designers in this task. This paper proposes that context elements with common characteristics can be grouped into categories, and these categories can be organized in a taxonomy. This taxonomy could help system designers with the task of modeling and developing new context-aware ITS. We performed a literature review of 68 articles describing 70 ITS applications with context-aware features to identify context elements used in this type of application. Furthermore, we also analyzed three commercial ITS applications. We used data collected from the analysis of these 73 projects to define the categories and identify their relationships. We propose a taxonomy with 79 categories, with 57 leaf categories (a category without children subcategories). We also performed two experiments to validate whether the exposure to this taxonomy could improve the quality of an ITS application during its design, with favorable results showing a 2.7 times increase in the average amount of relevant context elements used in the application. Finally, we compiled a knowledge base of which context element categories are used in the 73 analyzed projects. It is another companion information that can be used to help system designers. The proposed taxonomy of context element categories organizes the information of the context-aware ITS domain in a way that can ease the task of designing such systems and improve the usage of context-aware features. The overall methodology used in this work to create the taxonomy for the ITS domain could be applied to other popular domains of context-aware applications.


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How to Cite

Chagas, A., & Ferraz, C. (2023). Context Elements Taxonomy for Intelligent Transportation Systems. Journal of the Brazilian Computer Society, 29(1), 34–50.


