Evolving SPIDe Towards the Integration of Requirements Elicitation in Interaction Design





Participatory Design, Semiotic Engineering, User Participation, Human Factors


Among the various interaction (re)design processes and approaches, SPIDe is a semio-participatory methodological process inspired by communication-centered design. However, the development of computational solutions is not limited to interaction design. Requirements elicitation is also an integral part of this process. Some SPIDe studies indicated that it is also possible to raise requirements through its application due to its participatory characteristics. This article presents an investigation on the feasibility of SPIDe when applied to requirements elicitation integrated with interaction design, presenting an exploratory case study. From the perspective of different experts, we explain the strengths and needs of SPIDe in supporting requirements elicitation integrated into interaction design. Data were collected through logbooks, semi-structured interviews, and the TAM questionnaire and then analyzed through thematic analysis. The results show that the SPIDe use for requirements elicitation integrated into the interaction design is feasible. Furthermore, they indicated that possible improvements in SPIDe could benefit the development of the computational solutions considering a single application of SPIDe to obtain data for interaction design and requirements elicitation integrated.


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How to Cite

Rosa, J. C. S., do Rêgo, B. B. ., A. Garrido, F. ., D. Valente, P. ., J. Nunes, N. ., & S. Matos, E. . (2023). Evolving SPIDe Towards the Integration of Requirements Elicitation in Interaction Design. Journal of the Brazilian Computer Society, 29(1), 19–33. https://doi.org/10.5753/jbcs.2023.3132


