GGasCT: Bringing Formal Methods to the Computational Thinking


This work presents an alternative approach for developing computational thinking: the graph grammars. Many related terms are individually explored in order to clarify what is in the range of computational thinking. The selection of the terms draws on a systematic literature review that sheds a light on the most commonly addressed terms in the computational thinking literature. A formal and visual language, the graph grammar, is introduced, formally defined and explored, discussing its relations with computational thinking skills. An educational game and a game engine are developed and presented as examples of graph grammars to promote computational thinking. As result, a comprehensive framework to develop and assess computational thinking through graph grammars is theoretically grounded and made available by the developed educational tools.
Palavras-chave: Computational Thinking, Formal Methods, Graph Grammar


Silva Junior, B. A., Cavalheiro, S. A. d. C., and Foss, L. (2020). GGasCT: Bringing formal methods to the computational thinking. ExpPC, Pelotas, 2020. Available at: Acessed: 25-09-2020.
SILVA JUNIOR, Braz Araujo da; CAVALHEIRO, Simone André da Costa; FOSS, Luciana. GGasCT: Bringing Formal Methods to the Computational Thinking. In: CONCURSO ALEXANDRE DIRENE (CTD-IE) - DISSERTAÇÕES DE MESTRADO - CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE INFORMÁTICA NA EDUCAÇÃO (CBIE), 9. , 2020, Online. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2020 . p. 83-83. DOI: