Application of named entity recognition for automatic analysis of narrative texts in elementary school textual productions


Text production is an essential task for students in Elementary School. Narrative text is addressed at this stage of education. When correcting texts, teachers need to manually identify the elements of narrative texts, which can be an overload and make personalized feedback difficult. Providing automatic identification of narrative text elements, in Brazilian Portuguese, is a challenge in the area of named entity recognition, as well as supporting teachers, by means of a dashboard, to individually monitor students' difficulties. The objective of this research is to develop a tool to support teachers in the correction of textual productions of elementary school students.

Keywords: Natural language processing, named entity recognition, automatic text analysis, elementary education


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SOUSA, Erverson Bruno Gomes de; FERREIRA MELLO, Rafael. Application of named entity recognition for automatic analysis of narrative texts in elementary school textual productions. In: GRADUATE STUDENTS EXPERIENCE WORKSHOP (STUDX) - BRAZILIAN CONGRESS ON COMPUTERS IN EDUCATION (CBIE), 11. , 2022, Manaus. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2022 . p. 150-155. DOI: