Rabbit Code: Um jogo voltado para a aprendizagem de matrizes

  • Izaque Rolim UEA
  • Flávia Brenda UEA
  • João Queroga UEA
  • Rafaela Melo UFAM
  • José Carlos Duarte UEA
  • Marcela Pessoa UEA
  • Fernanda Pires UEA


"Rabbit Code" is an educational game designed for 10th-grade high school students. The subject matter covered is mathematics, specifically focusing on matrices. Throughout the gameplay, the player must overcome a series of challenges involving navigating a path by applying the concept of matrices and programming blocks. The game is based on the Meaningful Learning Theory and incorporates elements of Computational Thinking.
Keywords: Matrices, Educational Games, Computational Thinking


BNCC. 2018. Base Nacional Comum Curricular. Ministério da Educação.

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ROLIM, Izaque; BRENDA, Flávia; QUEROGA, João; MELO, Rafaela; DUARTE, José Carlos; PESSOA, Marcela; PIRES, Fernanda. Rabbit Code: Um jogo voltado para a aprendizagem de matrizes. In: APPS.EDU CONTEST - PROTOTYPE CATEGORY - BRAZILIAN CONGRESS ON COMPUTERS IN EDUCATION (CBIE), 12. , 2023, Passo Fundo/RS. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2023 . p. 141-144. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5753/cbie_estendido.2023.233171.