Advanced Undergraduate Computing Students' Perception of Software Quality Teaching: a Survey in the Brazilian Paraná State

  • Guilherme N. Ferrari State University of Maringá
  • Thais S. Nepomuceno State University of Maringá
  • Claudia H. Santana State University of Maringá
  • Carlos D. Luz State University of Maringá
  • Gislaine C. Leal State University of Maringá
  • Aline M. M. M. Amaral State University of Maringá
  • Renato Balancieri State University of Paraná
  • Edson OliveiraJr State University of Maringá


Aspects of software quality (SQ), such as process and product metrics, and assessment techniques, can be taught to computing students during their undergraduate courses, however, there is no consensus on how. In Brazil, computing courses are structured as the Brazilian Computer Society suggests, still, researchers point out that there are few SQ subjects in these courses. This paper aims to analyze the perception of SQ concepts by advanced undergraduate students in the northwest of the Paraná state. We applied a survey and received ninety-nine answers. Our results show that most SQ concepts are taught, but the students feel they did not learn and are not able to apply them. We discuss and suggest guidelines to improve the understanding of SQ concepts.

Palavras-chave: Software Quality Teaching, Survey, Brazilian Paraná State, SBC, Competencies


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FERRARI, Guilherme N.; NEPOMUCENO, Thais S.; SANTANA, Claudia H.; LUZ, Carlos D.; LEAL, Gislaine C.; AMARAL, Aline M. M. M.; BALANCIERI, Renato; OLIVEIRAJR, Edson. Advanced Undergraduate Computing Students' Perception of Software Quality Teaching: a Survey in the Brazilian Paraná State. In: CONGRESSO IBERO-AMERICANO EM ENGENHARIA DE SOFTWARE (CIBSE), 26. , 2023, Montevideo, Uruguai. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2023 . p. 153-167. DOI: