A PatchMatch-based Approachfor Matte Propagation in Videos

  • Marcos H. Backes UFRGS
  • Manuel M. Oliveira Neto UFRGS


This thesis presents a temporally-coherent matte-propagation method for videos based on PatchMatch and edge-aware filtering. Given an input video and trimaps for a few frames, including the first and last, our approach generates alpha mattes for all frames of the video sequence. We also present a user scribble-based interface for video matting that takes advantage of the efficiency of our method to interactively refine the matte results. We perform quantitative comparisons against the state-of-the-art sparse-input video matting techniques and show that our method produces significantly better results according to three different metrics. We also perform qualitative comparisons against the state-of-the-art dense-input video matting techniques and show that ours produces similar quality results while requiring less than 7% of their user input.

Palavras-chave: Image/Video Editing, Alpha Matting, Video Matting, Video Compositing


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BACKES, Marcos H.; OLIVEIRA NETO, Manuel M.. A PatchMatch-based Approachfor Matte Propagation in Videos. In: CONCURSO DE TESES E DISSERTAÇÕES (CTD), 33. , 2020, Cuiabá. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2020 . p. 43-48. ISSN 2763-8820. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5753/ctd.2020.11367.