Algorithmic Aspects of Problems Related to Optimization, Circuits, and Parameterized Complexity

  • Janio Carlos Nascimento Silva UFF / IFTO
  • Uéverton dos Santos Souza UFF
  • Luiz Satoru Ochi UFF


This thesis investigates several aspects of computational problems related to circuits and neighborhood exploration. Supported by a vast literature, we explore notable trends in algorithms, optimization, and computational complexity; and we provide some results for each topic discussed. The thesis' contributions are organized into four projects: (i) the study of SUCCINCT MONOTONE CIRCUIT CERTIFICATION (SMCC); (ii) the study of BEST-CASE ENERGY COMPLEXITY IN SATISFYING ASSIGNMENTS (MINEC+M); (iii) the proposition of the Th-hierarchy as an alternative to the hierarchy of complexity classes so-called W-hierarchy; and (iv) the study of the MAXIMUM MULTI IMPROVEMENT problem. Over the course of these four projects, we develop polynomial and parameterized reductions, NP-completeness proofs, classical and parameterized complexity analysis, and implementations of exact algorithms and metaheuristics.

Palavras-chave: Optimization, Circuit Complexity, Parameterized Complexity, W-hierarchy


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SILVA, Janio Carlos Nascimento; SOUZA, Uéverton dos Santos; OCHI, Luiz Satoru. Algorithmic Aspects of Problems Related to Optimization, Circuits, and Parameterized Complexity. In: CONCURSO DE TESES E DISSERTAÇÕES (CTD), 35. , 2022, Niterói. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2022 . p. 21-30. ISSN 2763-8820. DOI: