Hamiltonian Cycles in Kneser Graphs

  • Letícia Rodrigues Bueno UFRJ


The Kneser graph K(n, k) is the graph whose vertices are all the subsets with k elements of a set that has n elements, and two vertices are joined by an edge if the corresponding pair of k-sets is disjoint. The odd graph Ok is the special case of the Kneser graph when n = 2k + 1. A long-standing conjecture due to Lovász claims that Ok has a hamiltonian path for k ≥ 1. Previously, Lovász’s conjecture had been proved for all k ≤ 13. We have improved these values by showing that Ok has a hamiltonian path for 14 ≤ k ≤ 17. Additionally, we have established how close the odd graphs are to being hamiltonian: Ok has a closed spanning walk or trail in which every vertex appears at most twice.


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BUENO, Letícia Rodrigues. Hamiltonian Cycles in Kneser Graphs. In: CONCURSO DE TESES E DISSERTAÇÕES (CTD), 23. , 2010, Belo Horizonte/MG. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2010 . p. 113-120. ISSN 2763-8820.