An Aspect-Oriented Model-Driven Engineering Approach for Distributed Embedded Real-Time Systems

  • Marco Aurélio Wehrmeister UFRGS / UDESC
  • Carlos Eduardo Pereira UFRGS
  • Franz Josef Rammig Universität Paderborn


To cope with the increasing design complexity of modern embedded real-time systems, Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) techniques are being proposed and applied within the domain of embedded real-time systems. This thesis proposes a design approach combining MDE and aspect-oriented concepts to deal with functional and non-functional requirements in a modularized way using higher abstraction levels. A configurable tool for code generation that supports the proposed methodology is presented. It is capable of creating source code for different target platforms from the models produced in earlier design phases. In addition to code generation for functional requirements handling, the tool also weaves aspects’ adaptations, which modify the generated code to handle non-functional requirements. The proposed approach has been successfully applied to the development of embedded real-time systems for different real-world applications. Obtained results show an improvement concerning the modularization of system’s requirements handling, leading to an increased reuse of previously created artifacts.


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WEHRMEISTER, Marco Aurélio; PEREIRA, Carlos Eduardo; RAMMIG, Franz Josef. An Aspect-Oriented Model-Driven Engineering Approach for Distributed Embedded Real-Time Systems. In: CONCURSO DE TESES E DISSERTAÇÕES (CTD), 23. , 2010, Belo Horizonte/MG. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2010 . p. 129-136. ISSN 2763-8820.