Design Thinking como Metodologia para Definição da Interface Gráfica de Usuário

  • Daila Rita Becker Nunes IFFar
  • Luciéli Tolfo Beque Guerra IFFar
  • Claiton Correa IFFar


Design Thinking has been gaining attention in recent years as a methodology for creating innovative and creative solutions. We can use it to develop solutions for different areas of knowledge. This article addresses the use of Design Thinking as a methodology to support the development of the user interface of the Cine Web 2.0 project, concerning the inside-out approach of development from HCI research field. The article also presents and briefly discusses the results obtained in the project.

Palavras-chave: desenvolvimento, interface gráfica de usuário, design de interação, protótipo


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NUNES, Daila Rita Becker; GUERRA, Luciéli Tolfo Beque ; CORREA, Claiton. Design Thinking como Metodologia para Definição da Interface Gráfica de Usuário. In: ENCONTRO NACIONAL DE COMPUTAÇÃO DOS INSTITUTOS FEDERAIS (ENCOMPIF), 7. , 2020, Evento Online. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2020 . p. 5-8. ISSN 2763-8766. DOI: