Desenvolvimento de um Sistema de Manipulação de Coleções Botânicas

  • Pablo A. Santos IFRO
  • Romário V. Ferreira IFRO
  • Juliano F. Naves IFRO / UFF
  • Gilmar A. L. Júnior IFRO / UFV


This paper addresses the development of an software to handling and digital management of botanical collections in the region south of Amazon. The main goal of this software, called Buriti, is to facilitate the access to the digital material about botanical collections available in the region for scientific researches and avoid direct contact with the specimens, contributing for the conservation of these. A mechanism to interconnect regional botanical collections is a innovative idea and differs the Buriti from other systems. The first phase is ongoing at botanical laboratory of the Federal Institute of Rondônia of Ji-Paraná and has the collection register. In a second phase, is proposed sharing the information among the botanical collections laboratories, initially in Rondônia. However the system may be used in other country regions.


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SANTOS, Pablo A.; FERREIRA, Romário V.; NAVES, Juliano F.; JÚNIOR, Gilmar A. L.. Desenvolvimento de um Sistema de Manipulação de Coleções Botânicas. In: NATIONAL COMPUTING MEETING OF FEDERAL INSTITUTES (ENCOMPIF), 1. , 2013, Maceió. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2013 . p. 2094-2097. ISSN 2763-8766.