Análise do desempenho dos estudantes na disciplina de Programação de Computadores utilizando princípios de comunidades em Redes Complexas

  • Guilherme O. Aguiar IFMT
  • Miguel A. Pezzin Silva IFMT
  • João Gabriel Rocha Silva IFMT


The Computer Programming discipline is considered challenging by students, resulting in a high potential for failure. In this sense, understanding the reasons why this discipline carries this stigma and seeking ways to mitigate the problem becomes relevant and necessary. Thus, this work aims to correlate and verify whether the academic performance in the discipline is influenced by the students’ friendship network within a class. The study was conducted in three classes of the Technical Course in Computer Science integrated with High School. To obtain information about the students’ friendships, a questionnaire was administered. Results indicated that, for the analyzed classes, despite each class having its particular behavior, students’ performance in the discipline showed similar patterns to their friendship network in most communities.


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AGUIAR, Guilherme O.; SILVA, Miguel A. Pezzin; SILVA, João Gabriel Rocha. Análise do desempenho dos estudantes na disciplina de Programação de Computadores utilizando princípios de comunidades em Redes Complexas. In: NATIONAL COMPUTING MEETING OF FEDERAL INSTITUTES (ENCOMPIF), 10. , 2023, João Pessoa/PB. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2023 . p. 1-4. ISSN 2763-8766. DOI: