Analysis of wind direction using Image Processing

  • F. Wilson R. Júnior IEducare College
  • Victor M. C. de Oliveira IEducare College


This work approaches an image analysis system as a support tool in measuring wind direction and speed. The system uses digital image processing and computer vision techniques to process satellite images in a temporal sequence in order to track the displacement of clouds and consequently measure the speed with which they move. The achieved results were effectively able to present the path of the clouds identified by the system and the time spent in the displacements.

Keywords: Image Processing, Cloud, Direction, Speed, Feature Extraction


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R. JÚNIOR, F. Wilson; OLIVEIRA, Victor M. C. de. Analysis of wind direction using Image Processing. In: UNIFIED COMPUTING MEETING OF PIAUÍ (ENUCOMPI), 16. , 2023, Piripiri/PI. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2023 . p. 41-48. DOI: