Analysis of different photovoltaic panel and battery technologies in reducing CO2 in data center operations

  • Yannis Bianchini Pontuschka USP
  • Daniel Cordeiro USP


The exponential increase in the use of online services in the last decades has triggered greater concern for sustainability, thus forming the Sustainable Computing area, focused on addressing environmental concerns in computing systems. In this context, this study analyzes different technologies for photovoltaic panels and batteries in a system consisting of globally distributed data centers, using a simulator based on linear programming. We demonstrate that the selection of these technologies directly impacts carbon emissions, highlighting the need to consider aspects of sustainability and durability when choosing technologies to mitigate environmental impact.


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PONTUSCHKA, Yannis Bianchini; CORDEIRO, Daniel. Analysis of different photovoltaic panel and battery technologies in reducing CO2 in data center operations. In: REGIONAL SCHOOL OF HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING FROM SÃO PAULO (ERAD-SP), 15. , 2024, Rio Claro/SP. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2024 . p. 69-72. DOI:

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