Uma proposta de desagregação de energia baseada no Modelo Oculto de Markov

  • Igor Fontes UFAL
  • Cristopher Freitas UFAL
  • Eduardo dos Santos UFAL
  • Andre Aquino UFAL


The energy disaggregation allows us to separate the aggregate energy consumption of a household into its contributing appliances. In this work, we used an energy disaggregation method based on the building of Hidden Markov Models that describes the power demand of appliances and we proposed the use of Baum-Welch algorithm to the parameter estimation for the refrigerator and washing machine model. Each model was obtained and evaluated using the Tracebase and REDD Dataset. The results presents a general model for each appliance, which were constructed using until 7 training instances, so that the metrics presents a better convergence. Lastly, each model was adjusted to disaggregate the energy.
Keywords: Aprendizagem de Máquina, Inteligência Artificial, Matemática Computacional


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FONTES, Igor; FREITAS, Cristopher; DOS SANTOS, Eduardo; AQUINO, Andre. Uma proposta de desagregação de energia baseada no Modelo Oculto de Markov. In: REGIONAL SCHOOL ON COMPUTING OF BAHIA, ALAGOAS, AND SERGIPE (ERBASE), 20. , 2020, Arapiraca-AL. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2020 . p. 21-30.