Faces de Chernoff como Ferramenta para Visualização de Sintomas e Acompanhamento de Pacientes

  • Johnny Cleiton da Silva UFAL
  • Tácito Neves UFAL


Diseases caused by viruses have similar symptoms and are very common in public health. Monitoring the clinical condition of patients with these diseases is an important process, but it is still a challenge in the work routine of health professionals. From this point, this article aims to present the development of a tool capable of using Chernoff’s Faces to solve the problem. Making possible the visual analysis of the general situation of patients, facilitating the observation of the history of the reported symptoms.
Keywords: Sistemas e Serviços Inovadores em Computação


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DA SILVA, Johnny Cleiton; NEVES, Tácito. Faces de Chernoff como Ferramenta para Visualização de Sintomas e Acompanhamento de Pacientes. In: REGIONAL SCHOOL ON COMPUTING OF BAHIA, ALAGOAS, AND SERGIPE (ERBASE), 20. , 2020, Arapiraca-AL. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2020 . p. 209-214.