Rede Inception V3 Voltada a Identificação do Glaucoma: Comparação entre Métodos de Otimização

  • Athyrson M. Ribeiro UESPI
  • Francisco de Paula S. Araújo Junior UESPI


Among the possible uses of Convolutional Neural Networks (RNCs) is the aid in the early diagnosis of several diseases, including glaucoma, a pathology that causes damage to the optic nerve and can lead to permanent loss of vision. Glaucoma is the second most common cause of blindness in the world. In this work five different optimization methods performed in an RNC implemented with the Inception V3 architecture aimed at the identification of glaucoma through images were compared. The results show that, between the evaluated methods, the recently proposed method Adabound achieves the best results during and after the training process.


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RIBEIRO, Athyrson M.; ARAÚJO JUNIOR, Francisco de Paula S.. Rede Inception V3 Voltada a Identificação do Glaucoma: Comparação entre Métodos de Otimização. In: REGIONAL SCHOOL OF APPLIED COMPUTING FOR HEALTH (ERCAS), 7. , 2019, Teresina. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2019 . p. 1-6.