Sistema Inteligente de Apoio a Decisão no Processo de Triagem de Pacientes com Suspeita do COVID-19

  • Leonardo Lopes IFCE
  • Francisco Pinto IFCE
  • Rhyan de Brito IFCE


The use of Artificial Intelligence proves to be increasingly relevant, especially with regard to the accuracy of medical diagnoses. Thus, this study aimed to use intelligent agents as a tool capable of assisting in the screening of patients with suspected COVID-19, considering the initial clinical condition and the criteria established by the World Health Organization (WHO). The methodology was based on the implementation and tests with fictitious patients, considering their symptoms and the use of the textit framework JADE. Based on the results, it can be concluded that the use of intelligent agents has a lot to contribute in the search for solutions in the medical field, especially in the aid of diagnoses related to COVID-19.


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LOPES, Leonardo; PINTO, Francisco; DE BRITO, Rhyan. Sistema Inteligente de Apoio a Decisão no Processo de Triagem de Pacientes com Suspeita do COVID-19. In: REGIONAL SCHOOL ON COMPUTING OF CEARÁ, MARANHÃO, AND PIAUÍ (ERCEMAPI), 8. , 2020, Evento Online. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2020 . p. 220-227. DOI: