Domain Ontology Evaluation in Software Development: Questionnaire Proposal

  • Maria Gabriela Costa Lazaretti UniCesumar
  • Nelson Nunes Tenório Junior UniCesumar
  • Thaise Moser Teixeira UniCesumar


Knowledge has become increasingly important as a resource for organizations. In line with this, there arises the need for the classification and organization of knowledge bases in knowledge-oriented organizations. In this regard, ontologies support the process of structuring and classifying information, facilitating and simplifying the continuous data processing. The present work aims to propose a questionnaire for the validation of a domain ontology.


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LAZARETTI, Maria Gabriela Costa; TENÓRIO JUNIOR, Nelson Nunes; TEIXEIRA, Thaise Moser. Domain Ontology Evaluation in Software Development: Questionnaire Proposal. In: ESCOLA REGIONAL DE ENGENHARIA DE SOFTWARE (ERES), 7. , 2023, Maringá/PR. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2023 . p. 328-337. DOI: