Especificação de Requisitos de Segurança em Firewalls de Próxima Geração: Abordagens e Desafios
Este trabalho especifica o framework MORAIS, o qual oferece direções iniciais para auxiliar equipes de desenvolvimento na estruturação e validação de requisitos de segurança no desenvolvimento de Firewalls de Próxima Geração (NGFWs), considerando a adaptação às ameaças dinâmicas e a conformidade com regulamentações. As etapas do framework incluem Monitoramento, Otimização, Auditoria, Requisitos, Integração e Simulação, permitindo uma abordagem estruturada para enfrentar os principais desafios de desempenho, integração e conformidade. Os resultados obtidos através de uma prova de conceitos indicam que a implementação do MORAIS pode trazer melhorias contínuas, adaptabilidade e eficácia para NGFWs.
Requisitos de Segurança, Firewalls de próxima geração, MORAIS
Abusamrah, I., Madhoun, A., and Iseed, S. (2021). Next-generation firewall, deep learning endpoint protection and intelligent SIEM integration. Technical report, Palestine Polytechnic University.
Ahmed, N. and Matulevicius, R. (2014). A Method for Eliciting Security Requirements from the Business Process Models. In CAiSE, volume 1164, pages 57–64.
Drkag, P. and Szymura, M. (2018). Technical and legal aspects of database’s security in the light of implementation of general data protection regulation. In CBU International Conference Proceedings..., volume 6, page 156. Central Bohemia University.
Gadallah, Waheed G et al. (2024). A deep learning technique to detect distributed denial of service attacks in software-defined networks. Computers & Security, 137:103588.
Hamilton, Robert et al. (2020). Deep packet inspection in firewall clusters. In 2020 28th Telecommunications Forum (TELFOR), pages 1–4. IEEE.
Hussain, A. and Mkpojiogu, E. O. (2016). Requirements: Towards an understanding on why software projects fail. In AIP Conference Proceedings, volume 1761. AIP.
Hussain, S., Kamal, A., Ahmad, S., Rasool, G., and Iqbal, S. (2014). Threat modelling methodologies: a survey. Sci. Int.(Lahore), 26(4):1607–1609.
Makhdoomi, A., Jan, N., Goel, N., et al. (2022). Conventional and next generation firewalls in network security and its applications. In 2022 International Conference on Computing, Communication, and Intelligent Systems (ICCCIS), pages 964–969. IEEE.
Meridji, K., Al-Sarayreh, K. T., Abran, A., and Trudel, S. (2019). System security requirements: A framework for early identification, specification and measurement of related software requirements. Computer Standards & Interfaces, 66:103346.
Mishra, A. et al. (2024). Security requirements specification by formal methods: a research metadata analysis. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 83(14):41847–41866.
Morić, Z., Dakic, V., Djekic, D., and Regvart, D. (2024). Protection Of Personal Data In The Context Of E-commerce. Journal of cybersecurity and privacy, 4(3):731–761.
Nweke, Livinus Obiora et al. (2022). A LINDDUN-based privacy threat modelling for national identification systems. In 2022 IEEE Nigeria 4th International Conference on Disruptive Technologies for Sustainable Development (NIGERCON), pages 1–8.
PMI (2010). Projects fail due to poor requirements management. Accessado: 22-09-2024.
Rajkumar, B. and Arunakranthi, G. (2023). Evolution for a secured path using nexgen firewalls. In 2022 OPJU International Technology Conference on Emerging Technologies for Sustainable Development (OTCON), pages 1–6. IEEE.
Shaheed, A. and Kurdy, M. B. (2022). Web application firewall using machine learning and features engineering. Security and Communication Networks, 2022(1):5280158.
Singh, B. and Cheema, S. S. (2023). Next generation firewall and self authentication for network security. In 2023 Seventh International Conference on Image Information Processing (ICIIP), pages 707–713.
Soewito, B. and Andhika, C. E. (2019). Next generation firewall for improving security in company and iot network. In 2019 International Seminar on Intelligent Technology and Its Applications (ISITIA), pages 205–209. IEEE.
Xiong, W. and Lagerström, R. (2019). Threat modeling–a systematic literature review. Computers & security, 84:53–69.
Ahmed, N. and Matulevicius, R. (2014). A Method for Eliciting Security Requirements from the Business Process Models. In CAiSE, volume 1164, pages 57–64.
Drkag, P. and Szymura, M. (2018). Technical and legal aspects of database’s security in the light of implementation of general data protection regulation. In CBU International Conference Proceedings..., volume 6, page 156. Central Bohemia University.
Gadallah, Waheed G et al. (2024). A deep learning technique to detect distributed denial of service attacks in software-defined networks. Computers & Security, 137:103588.
Hamilton, Robert et al. (2020). Deep packet inspection in firewall clusters. In 2020 28th Telecommunications Forum (TELFOR), pages 1–4. IEEE.
Hussain, A. and Mkpojiogu, E. O. (2016). Requirements: Towards an understanding on why software projects fail. In AIP Conference Proceedings, volume 1761. AIP.
Hussain, S., Kamal, A., Ahmad, S., Rasool, G., and Iqbal, S. (2014). Threat modelling methodologies: a survey. Sci. Int.(Lahore), 26(4):1607–1609.
Makhdoomi, A., Jan, N., Goel, N., et al. (2022). Conventional and next generation firewalls in network security and its applications. In 2022 International Conference on Computing, Communication, and Intelligent Systems (ICCCIS), pages 964–969. IEEE.
Meridji, K., Al-Sarayreh, K. T., Abran, A., and Trudel, S. (2019). System security requirements: A framework for early identification, specification and measurement of related software requirements. Computer Standards & Interfaces, 66:103346.
Mishra, A. et al. (2024). Security requirements specification by formal methods: a research metadata analysis. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 83(14):41847–41866.
Morić, Z., Dakic, V., Djekic, D., and Regvart, D. (2024). Protection Of Personal Data In The Context Of E-commerce. Journal of cybersecurity and privacy, 4(3):731–761.
Nweke, Livinus Obiora et al. (2022). A LINDDUN-based privacy threat modelling for national identification systems. In 2022 IEEE Nigeria 4th International Conference on Disruptive Technologies for Sustainable Development (NIGERCON), pages 1–8.
PMI (2010). Projects fail due to poor requirements management. Accessado: 22-09-2024.
Rajkumar, B. and Arunakranthi, G. (2023). Evolution for a secured path using nexgen firewalls. In 2022 OPJU International Technology Conference on Emerging Technologies for Sustainable Development (OTCON), pages 1–6. IEEE.
Shaheed, A. and Kurdy, M. B. (2022). Web application firewall using machine learning and features engineering. Security and Communication Networks, 2022(1):5280158.
Singh, B. and Cheema, S. S. (2023). Next generation firewall and self authentication for network security. In 2023 Seventh International Conference on Image Information Processing (ICIIP), pages 707–713.
Soewito, B. and Andhika, C. E. (2019). Next generation firewall for improving security in company and iot network. In 2019 International Seminar on Intelligent Technology and Its Applications (ISITIA), pages 205–209. IEEE.
Xiong, W. and Lagerström, R. (2019). Threat modeling–a systematic literature review. Computers & security, 84:53–69.
Como Citar
MORAIS, Tiago W.; SCHERER, Felipe H.; DRESCH, Felipe N.; QUINCOZES, Silvio E.; KREUTZ, Diego; QUINCOZES, Vagner E..
Especificação de Requisitos de Segurança em Firewalls de Próxima Geração: Abordagens e Desafios. In: ESCOLA REGIONAL DE ENGENHARIA DE SOFTWARE (ERES), 8. , 2024, Santiago/RS.
Anais [...].
Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação,
p. 178-187.