Avaliação de Desempenho de API Gateways para o Gerenciamento de Acessos a Microsserviços
Este estudo desenvolve e avalia API Gateways para o controle de acessos em uma arquitetura de microsserviços. O trabalho compara a API Gateways desenvolvida e o Kong API Gateway, utilizando a ferramenta Locust para testes de desempenho com workloads de 100 e 500 usuários simultâneos. Foram analisados os endpoints Mobile e Webservice, com métricas de número de requisições, tempo de resposta e uso de recursos computacionais. Os resultados mostram que ambas as soluções são eficientes, com o Kong se destacando no uso de rede, enquanto a API Gateways desenvolvida demonstrou melhor consumo de memória. Conclui-se que uma API Gateways é fundamental para o controle de acessos e a segurança na arquitetura de microsserviços.
arquiteturas de microsserviços, API Gateway, controle de acesso
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Autores Anônimos (2023). Titulo Omitido para Avaliação às Cegas. pages 228–237.
Awati, R. and Wigmore, I. (2023). Monolithic architecture.
Bhutada, S. and Jyothi, K. (2019). Enhancing security to the MicroService (MS) architecture by implementing Authentication and Authorization (AA) service using Docker and Kubernetes. Int. Journal of Innovative Tech. and Exploring Eng., 8(6):401–407.
De Sordi, J. O., Marinho, B. d. L., and Nagy, M. (2006). Benefícios da arquitetura de software orientada a serviços para as empresas: análise da experiência do abn amro brasil. Journal of Information Systems and Technology Management. 5Portainer: [link]
Fengxuan, W., Li, Z., Yancheng, Y., Xinzheng, Z., Gang, S., and Yong, G. (2023). Research on service security reinforcement scheme based on application gateway. In 3rd Int. Conf. on Data Science and Computer Application, pages 113–116. IEEE.
Hannousse, A. and Yahiouche, S. (2021). Securing microservices and microservice architectures: A systematic mapping study. Computer Science Review, 41.
He, X. and Yang, X. (2017). Authentication and authorization of end user in microservice architecture. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 910(1).
HostMidia (2024). Logs do sistema operacional – o que são e para que servem? Lee, W.-T. and Tsai, M.-K. (2024). Implementing a php api gateway based on microservices architecture. In 48th Annual Computers, Software, and Applications Conference, pages 1578–1579. IEEE.
Luz, W., Agilar, E., de Oliveira, M. C., de Melo, C. E. R., Pinto, G., and Bonifácio, R. (2018). An experience report on the adoption of microservices in three brazilian government institutions. In XXXII Brazilian Symp. on Soft. Eng., pages 32—-41. ACM.
Majumder, A., Namasudra, S., and Nath, S. (2014). Taxonomy and Classification of Access Control Models for Cloud Environments, pages 23–53.
Meier, J. (2007). Performance Testing Guidance for Web Applications: Patterns & Practices. ITPro collection. Microsoft Press.
Moreira, P., Ribeiro, A., and Silva, J. M. (2023). AGE: Automatic Performance Evaluation of API Gateways. In Symposium on Computers and Communications, pages 405–410. IEEE.
Oktaria, D., Ginting, J. A. M. K., Abdurohman, M., and Yasirandi, R. (2021). Design of api gateway as middleware on platform as a service. Indonesia Journal on Computing (Indo-JC), 6(3):47–62.
Pasomsup, C. and Limpiyakorn, Y. (2021). HT-RBAC: A Design of Role-based Access Control Model for Microservice Security Manager, pages 177–181.
Preuveneers, D. and Joosen, W. (2019). Towards Multi-party Policy-based Access Control in Federations of Cloud and Edge Microservices. In European Symposium on Security and Privacy Workshops (EuroS&PW), pages 29–38. IEEE.
Raj, P., Vanga, S., and Chaudhary, A. (2023). Microservices Security: The Concerns and the Solution Approaches, pages 289–298. Wiley-IEEE Press.
Tomić, M., Dimitrieski, V., Vještica, M., Župunski, R., Jeremić, A., and Kaufmann, H. (2022). Towards applying api gateway to support microservice architectures for embedded systems.
Xiong, Q. and Li, W. (2022). Design and Implementation of Microservices Gateway Based on Spring Cloud Zuul. In 3rd Int. Conf. on Computer Information and Big Data Applications, pages 1–5. IEEE.
Xu, R., Jin, W., and Kim, D. (2019). Microservice security agent based on api gateway in edge computing. Sensors (Switzerland), 19(22).
Zuo, X., Su, Y., Wang, Q., and Xie, Y. (2020). An api gateway design strategy optimized for persistence and coupling. Advances in Engineering Software, 148:102878.
Como Citar
CARGNELUTTI, Rodrigo; MINUZZI, Giulliano; AGILAR, Everton de Vargas; BASSO, Fábio Paulo; BERNARDINO, Maicon.
Avaliação de Desempenho de API Gateways para o Gerenciamento de Acessos a Microsserviços. In: ESCOLA REGIONAL DE ENGENHARIA DE SOFTWARE (ERES), 8. , 2024, Santiago/RS.
Anais [...].
Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação,
p. 228-237.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.5753/eres.2024.4276.