eWebAPI: uma API para assinar digitalmente lotes de certificados eletrônicos utilizando o e-certsDS

  • Alan Miguel Dorr Schulze UNIPAMPA
  • Diego Kreutz UNIPAMPA


e-certsDS is a tool for issuing and publishing electronic certificates using OpenPGP digital signatures. It works on the command line and presents some challenges in terms of usability and complexity. To simplify use and allow integration with other systems, we propose eWebAPI, an API to use e-certsDS as a service, eliminating complex installation steps and parameterized execution via the command line. The eWebAPI provides a list of endpoints that allows remote use of the service and integration with other Web systems (e.g., event and project management systems).


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SCHULZE, Alan Miguel Dorr; KREUTZ, Diego. eWebAPI: uma API para assinar digitalmente lotes de certificados eletrônicos utilizando o e-certsDS. In: REGIONAL SCHOOL OF COMPUTER NETWORKS (ERRC), 20. , 2023, Porto Alegre/RS. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2023 . p. 133-138. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5753/errc.2023.927.