Um plugin para simplificação de interface de usuários para pessoas com Ansiedade Computacional
Ansiedade Computacional (AC, do inglês Computer Anxiety) pode ser definida como medo e preocupações que alguém pode ter ao usar computadores. Pessoas com AC podem não conseguir realizar certas tarefas, ficar frustradas e desistir quando encontram interfaces de usuário complicadas ou que exigem conhecimento sobre padrões e símbolos usados em sistemas computacionais. Assim, o presente trabalho descreve um plugin para navegador web que utiliza dados de interação (e.g., eventos de mouse mouse, teclado e de sistema) para inferir níveis elevados de AC durante a interação. Complementarmente, o plugin desenvolvido visa simplificar a interface de usuário considerando um conjunto de regras pré-definidas – baseado em estudos de campo anteriores envolvendo 74 pessoas idosas – como forma de apoiar pessoas com AC e reduzir eventuais impactos causados por ela.Referências
Chou, J.-R. and Tsai, H.-C. (2009). On-line learning performance and computer anxiety measure for unemployed adult novices using a grey relation entropy method. Information Processing & Management, 45(2):200–215.
Consortium, W. W. W. et al. (2008). Web content accessibility guidelines (wcag) 2.0.
Day, D. and Mäkirinne-Crofts, P. (1997). Computer anxiety and the human-computer interface. In People and Computers XII, pages 85–100. Springer.
dos Santos, T. D. and de Santana, V. F. (2021). Gaze interaction and people with computer anxiety: Paving the way to user interface simplification. In Proceedings of the XX Brazilian Symposium on Human Factors in Computing Systems, New York, NY, USA. Association for Computing Machinery.
dos Santos, T. D. and de Santana, V. F. (2022). Identifying distractors for people with computer anxiety based on mouse fixations. Interacting with Computers.
dos Santos, T. D. and Santana, V. F. d. (2019). A computer anxiety model for elderly users interacting with the web. In Proceedings of the 16th Web For All 2019 Personalization Personalizing the Web, W4A ’19, New York, NY, USA. Association for Computing Machinery.
Fernández-Ardèvol, M. and Ivan, L. (2015). Why age is not that important? an ageing perspective on computer anxiety. In International Conference on Human Aspects of IT for the Aged Population, pages 189–200. Springer.
Glass, C. R. and Knight, L. A. (1988). Cognitive factors in computer anxiety. Cognitive therapy and research, 12(4):351–366.
Hanson, V. L. and Crayne, S. (2005). Personalization of web browsing: adaptations to meet the needs of older adults. Universal Access in the Information Society, 4:46–58.
Hanson, V. L., Richards, J. T., and Lee, C. C. (2007). Web access for older adults: voice browsing? In Universal Acess in Human Computer Interaction. Coping with Diversity: 4th International Conference on Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction, UAHCI 2007, Held as Part of HCI International 2007, Beijing, China, July 22-27, 2007, Proceedings, Part I 4, pages 904–913. Springer.
Heinssen, R. K., Glass, C. R., and Knight, L. A. (1987). Assessing computer anxiety: Development and validation of the computer anxiety rating scale. Computers in human behavior, 3(1):49–59.
Nomura, T. and Okuyama, N. (2007). Psychological influence of double-bind situations in human-agent interaction. In Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Intelligent Agent Technology, pages 102–108. IEEE Computer Society.
Sa-nga ngam, P. and Kiattisin, S. (2020). Increasing web accessibility through a personalized web browser for older adults. Wireless Personal Communications, 115:3235–3259.
Santana, V. F. d. and Silva, F. E. (2018). User test logger: An open source browser plugin for logging and reporting local user studies. Proceedings of HCI International 2019.
Santos, T. D. d. and Santana, V. F. d. (2018). Computer anxiety and interaction: A systematic review. In Proceedings of the Internet of Accessible Things, page 18. ACM.
Consortium, W. W. W. et al. (2008). Web content accessibility guidelines (wcag) 2.0.
Day, D. and Mäkirinne-Crofts, P. (1997). Computer anxiety and the human-computer interface. In People and Computers XII, pages 85–100. Springer.
dos Santos, T. D. and de Santana, V. F. (2021). Gaze interaction and people with computer anxiety: Paving the way to user interface simplification. In Proceedings of the XX Brazilian Symposium on Human Factors in Computing Systems, New York, NY, USA. Association for Computing Machinery.
dos Santos, T. D. and de Santana, V. F. (2022). Identifying distractors for people with computer anxiety based on mouse fixations. Interacting with Computers.
dos Santos, T. D. and Santana, V. F. d. (2019). A computer anxiety model for elderly users interacting with the web. In Proceedings of the 16th Web For All 2019 Personalization Personalizing the Web, W4A ’19, New York, NY, USA. Association for Computing Machinery.
Fernández-Ardèvol, M. and Ivan, L. (2015). Why age is not that important? an ageing perspective on computer anxiety. In International Conference on Human Aspects of IT for the Aged Population, pages 189–200. Springer.
Glass, C. R. and Knight, L. A. (1988). Cognitive factors in computer anxiety. Cognitive therapy and research, 12(4):351–366.
Hanson, V. L. and Crayne, S. (2005). Personalization of web browsing: adaptations to meet the needs of older adults. Universal Access in the Information Society, 4:46–58.
Hanson, V. L., Richards, J. T., and Lee, C. C. (2007). Web access for older adults: voice browsing? In Universal Acess in Human Computer Interaction. Coping with Diversity: 4th International Conference on Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction, UAHCI 2007, Held as Part of HCI International 2007, Beijing, China, July 22-27, 2007, Proceedings, Part I 4, pages 904–913. Springer.
Heinssen, R. K., Glass, C. R., and Knight, L. A. (1987). Assessing computer anxiety: Development and validation of the computer anxiety rating scale. Computers in human behavior, 3(1):49–59.
Nomura, T. and Okuyama, N. (2007). Psychological influence of double-bind situations in human-agent interaction. In Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Intelligent Agent Technology, pages 102–108. IEEE Computer Society.
Sa-nga ngam, P. and Kiattisin, S. (2020). Increasing web accessibility through a personalized web browser for older adults. Wireless Personal Communications, 115:3235–3259.
Santana, V. F. d. and Silva, F. E. (2018). User test logger: An open source browser plugin for logging and reporting local user studies. Proceedings of HCI International 2019.
Santos, T. D. d. and Santana, V. F. d. (2018). Computer anxiety and interaction: A systematic review. In Proceedings of the Internet of Accessible Things, page 18. ACM.
Como Citar
SANTOS, Thiago D. dos; SANTANA, Vagner F. de.
Um plugin para simplificação de interface de usuários para pessoas com Ansiedade Computacional. In: PÔSTERES E DEMONSTRAÇÕES - SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO SOBRE FATORES HUMANOS EM SISTEMAS COMPUTACIONAIS (IHC), 22. , 2023, Maceió/AL.
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Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação,
p. 194-198.