A Distributed Exergame for Telerehabilitation: An Engaging Alternative to Improve Patients’ Quality of Life

  • Carlos Henrique Rorato Souza Federal University of Goiás
  • Daniel Machado de Oliveira Federal University of Goiás
  • Luciana de Oliveira Berreta Federal University of Goiás
  • Sérgio Teixeira de Carvalho Federal University of Goiás


There are many factors that have a direct impact on the effectiveness of rehabilitation sessions. Among the main ones are: the availability of treatment, the active participation of the physiotherapist and the patient’s motivation and engagement in performing the exercises. In this sense, this project presents the construction of a distributed exergame that, using equipment and sensors coupled to the cycle ergometer (device used in the activity), aims to allow telerehabilitation sessions, where the patient and physiotherapist are in their respective houses, and perform these activities in a less boring and more engaging way, increasing the patient’s quality of life.

Keywords: games; exergames; rehabilitation; telerehabilitation; engagement; healthcare


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SOUZA, Carlos Henrique Rorato; OLIVEIRA, Daniel Machado de; BERRETA, Luciana de Oliveira; CARVALHO, Sérgio Teixeira de. A Distributed Exergame for Telerehabilitation: An Engaging Alternative to Improve Patients’ Quality of Life. In: LIFE IMPROVEMENT IN QUALITY BY UBIQUITOUS EXPERIENCES WORKSHOP (LIQUE), 1. , 2021, New York. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2021 . DOI: https://doi.org/10.5753/lique.2021.15714.