A Concept Map of Terminologies and Disciplines for the Executable Model Lifecycle

  • Bruno G. A. Lebtag UFG
  • Paulo G. Teixeira UFG
  • Mohamad Kassab Pennsylvania State University
  • Valdemar Vicente Graciano Neto UFG


The Executable Models (ExM) research area is an ascending discipline that explores the use of models capable of being executed during the software development process. The research area is overloaded with terms and concepts derived from several areas. There is also ambiguities and an absence of consensus on definitions. This is a problem not only for newcomers in the area but it can generate unproductive studies and conflicts among researchers. However, there is not yet a study presenting those concepts in a concise and structured manner. Thus, this study aims to collaborate with the research area with a collection of relevant concepts and their definitions. The concepts were obtained from a literature review where we collected relevant studies from several disciplines. We organized those concepts into a concept map that establishes the relationship between concepts while presenting them separated by disciplines.


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LEBTAG, Bruno G. A.; TEIXEIRA, Paulo G.; KASSAB, Mohamad; GRACIANO NETO, Valdemar Vicente. A Concept Map of Terminologies and Disciplines for the Executable Model Lifecycle. In: WORKSHOP EM MODELAGEM E SIMULAÇÃO DE SISTEMAS INTENSIVOS EM SOFTWARE (MSSIS), 3. , 2021, Joinville. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2021 . p. 1-9. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5753/mssis.2021.17254.